 President Hu Jintao of the People's
Republic of China will attend the Forum and deliver the keynote address at
the gala opening on the evening of 16 May.
 Jim Balsillie Chairman & CEO Research in
 Edward Breen Chairman and CEO Tyco
International Ltd.
 Louis Camilleri Chairman and CEO Altria Group,
Victor Lap-Lik Chu Chairman and CEO First
Eastern Investment Group
George Colony Chief Executive Officer
Forrester Research
Geoff Colvin Senior Editor at Large FORTUNE
Linda Cook Chief Executive, Shell Gas &
Power Member of The Board of Royal Dutch/Shell Group
 Kenneth S. Courtis Vice Chairman Goldman
Sachs (Asia) LLC
David L. Cunningham, Jr. President, Asia Pacific
Division, FedEx Express Corporation
Hernando de Soto Author,The Mystery of
Capital: Why Capitalism Triumphs in the West and Fails Everywhere Else
Elizabeth Economy Senior Fellow and Director in
Asia Studies Council on Foreign Relations
David Eldon Chairman The Hong Kong and
Shanghai Banking Corporation Limited
David Frazee Shareholder Greenberg Traurig,
Robert Friedman International Editor FORTUNE
Dr. Victor K. Fung Group Chairman The Li
& Fung Group
Christopher Galvin Former Chairman and
CEO Motorola, Inc.
Dan Glickman CEO and President Motion
Picture Association of America, Inc.
Han Sung-Joo Professor, International Relations
Korea University
James Harkness Country Representative WWF
 Gabriel Hawawini Dean INSEAD
 Hu Maoyuan President Shanghai Automotive
Industry Corp.
Irwin Mark Jacobs Chairman and CEO QUALCOMM,
Michael Andrew Johnson Member and Secretary of
the Australia-China Committee Parliament of Australia
Jeffery B. Kindler Vice Chairman Pfizer Inc.