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China issues food safety warning

2010-07-22 17:13

China's Ministry of Health issued on Wednesday its first announcement warning about food safety since the country's Food Safety Law was passed, reported on Thursday.

Mass food poisonings have become common in China this summer. According to the report by public health emergency centers and food safety authorities, 108 food poisoning incidents occurred across the country from January to May, leading to 56 deaths and 2,452 people being poisoned. In May alone, 18 poisoning incidents resulted in 18 deaths and 722 poisoned.

The ministry said 68 poisoning incidents occurred this year in places where there was group catering, which led to 1,646 poisoned and 18 deaths. Of those, schools reported the most incidences, followed by catered events.

The announcement also pointed out that most deaths from food poisoning occurred in families this year, as people ate food tainted by pesticide and arsenic, or poisoned plants by mistake during family feasts, which are usually held in China's rural areas.

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