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大部制改革 restructure central government offices
1. 鐵道部“拆分”,實行鐵路政企分開。
Under the plan, the Ministry of Railways will be split with its regulatory powers going to the Ministry of Transport while its commercial operations will be run by a company.
2. 組建國家食品藥品監(jiān)督管理總局。
To improve food and drug safety, the government restructuring program upgrades the State Food and Drug Administration to ministry level to give it more power.
3. 組建國家新聞出版廣播電影電視總局。
Two media regulators, the State Administration of Press and Publication and the State Administration of Radio, Film and Television, are being merged to oversee press, publication, radio, film and television.
4. 組建國家衛(wèi)生和計劃生育委員會。
The National Health and Family Planning Commission will come into existence through the merger of the Health Ministry with the National Population and Family Planning Commission.
5. 重新組建國家海洋局。
Other important changes include restructuring the oceanic administration to enhance maritime law enforcement and protect marine resources.
6. 重新組建國家能源局。
A regulatory body that sets electricity rates will be absorbed into the National Energy Administration.
新會風 new working style
新一屆中央領導集體就改進工作作風提出八項要求,包括condense meetings(精簡會議)、reduce traffic control during inspection tours(視察時減少交通管制),以及practice thrift(厲行節(jié)約)等。
PM 2.5 particulate matter smaller than 2.5 micrometers in diameter
PM2.5就是指“可入肺顆粒物”,PM的英文全稱為particulate matter(微粒物、懸浮微粒),PM2.5就是指大氣中直徑小于或等于2.5微米的顆粒物。
上一篇 : “社會組織”管理改革
下一篇 : 中俄“軍售”
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