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Feifei: Hello 我親愛的聽眾朋友們,歡迎收聽《你問我答》節(jié)目。我是馮菲菲。Friendship,友誼是我們今天節(jié)目的主題。我們先來聽一下聽友 Tommy Ling 發(fā)來的這個問題
What is the difference between fair-weather friend and acquaintance?
Feifei: 問題是關于 fair-weather friend and acquaintance 之間的區(qū)別。如果你對這兩個表達的意思還不是很確定,那么下面的兩個例子應該能幫到你:
Example 1
I used to spend a lot of time with Malcolm: we often went out for meals or drinks and even we went on holiday together once. But when I got ill and had to stop working he disappeared. I guess he was just a fair-weather friend.
The party was full of people I had met through work but didn't really know well. There weren't any close friends there, just acquaintances.
Feifei: OK - a fair-weather friend 就是我們常說的只可共安樂而難共患難的朋友,俗稱酒肉朋友。Acquaintance 指的是認識的人,但了解交往不深,俗稱泛泛之交。雖然今天的問題是回答完了, 但我們應該借友誼這個話題再多學一些表示“朋友”的單詞:
Example 2
Buddy, bud, mate, pal, chum
Feifei: Mate 這個詞在英式英語中使用頻率很高。不過英語里有些表示朋友的單詞最初來自外來語,比如說:
Example 3
Amigo or compadre
Feifei: 這兩個詞來自于西班牙語。
Example 4
Hi amigo!
How's it hanging compadre?
Feifei: 還有幾種對關系好的男性朋友的稱呼來自于單詞 brother:
Example 5
Bro, bruv
Alright bro?
I'm cool bruv!
Feifei: 對關系好的、親密的女性朋友可以稱為 sis, 來自單詞 sister.
Example 6
How are you sis?
Feifei: 還有一種對很親密、很近的朋友的幽默稱呼,像這樣:
Example 7
He's my brother from another mother
How's it going, sister from another mother?
Feifei: 關系好的女性朋友可能會互相稱之為 sweetie 或 lovely:
Example 8
How are you sweetie?
I'm great thanks lovely!
Feifei: 下面給大家介紹幾個可以用來稱呼朋友的俚語表達。請注意這些說法通常僅用于男性朋友之間。
Example 9
Geezer, fella, my old mucker
What's up geezer?
Not bad fella!
How are you my old mucker?
Feifei: 十幾歲的年青人通常會用下面這個表達來描述他們的好友:
Example 10
We're besties.
Feifei: Bestie 是 best friend 的簡稱。
Example 11
Yes, you're my BFF
Feifei: 有沒有聽到最后的那個 BFF – 它的意思就是 best friend forever 永遠的最好的朋友。Well friends, buddies, BFFs – 今天的節(jié)目就到這里了。希望你在日常交流中能用到這些表達。好了,在學習中遇到任何難題,別忘了直接給我們發(fā)郵件過來提出你的問題,我們的郵箱地址是 questions.chinaelt@bbc.co.uk 下次再會啦。
New world, new words 數(shù)碼時代的新詞匯
Denounce, condemn, deplore 單詞辨析
(來源:BBC英語教學 編輯:Julie)
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