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Russian MPs have backed an amnesty that may include some of the country's best-known prisoners including Pussy Riot and the Greenpeace Arctic protesters. The State Duma in Moscow unanimously approved the law at its third reading and it is expected to come into force within days. It covers at least 20,000 prisoners, including minors, invalids, veterans, pregnant women, and mothers. Charges against 30 people arrested on a Greenpeace ship may be dropped. The 30 mostly foreign nationals were recently released from custody but not allowed to leave Russia. Two members of the Russian punk band Pussy Riot, Maria Alyokhina and Nadezhda Tolokonnikova, were jailed in 2012 for hooliganism motivated by religious hatred after performing an anti-Kremlin protest song in Moscow's Cathedral of Christ the Saviour. They are due to be released three months from now in any case. Others who may be freed include some, but not all, of the political protesters arrested during clashes with police after Vladimir Putin's inauguration as Russian president for a third term last year. One prisoner who will not be affected by the amnesty is former oil tycoon Mikhail Khodorkovsky, who is due for release next August after serving a reduced sentence for theft. It is also unlikely that opposition leader Alexei Navalny will have his recent five-year suspended sentence for theft quashed. The amnesty marks the 20th anniversary of Russia's post-Soviet constitution. It will take effect once it is published but the releases are expected to take place over six months.
據(jù)英國廣播公司12月18日報道,俄羅斯國家杜馬三讀全體通過了一項大赦令,朋克樂隊“暴動小貓”(Pussy Riot)成員和綠色和平組織北極示威者等囚犯有望獲釋。 法令有望在幾天內(nèi)生效,將影響2萬多人,其中包括包括未成年人、殘疾人、退伍軍人、孕婦和母親。 俄羅斯當局可能取消對30名綠色和平組織北極示威者的指控,這30人中大多數(shù)是外籍人士,最近已被釋放,但尚不許離開俄羅斯境內(nèi)。 俄羅斯朋克樂隊“暴動小貓”的兩名成員瑪麗亞?阿列希娜和娜杰日達?托羅孔尼科娃預計3月后將獲釋。她們于2012年被監(jiān)禁,罪名是冒犯宗教信徒和“流氓行為”,起因是她們在莫斯科救世主大教堂演唱反克里姆林宮的歌曲。 此外,去年普京第三任期就職典禮時曾與警察發(fā)生沖突的部分示威者也將獲釋。 不受大赦影響的囚犯包括因盜竊國有資產(chǎn)被判刑的俄羅斯前石油寡頭米哈伊爾?霍多爾科夫斯基,還有因涉嫌挪用公款和欺詐被判有期徒刑五年的反對派領袖人物阿列克謝?納爾瓦尼。 此次特赦是為了紀念俄羅斯在后蘇聯(lián)時代的憲法20周年。特赦令一旦頒布就立即生效,但釋放囚犯的過程預計會超過6個月。 (信蓮 編輯:王琦?。?/p>
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