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“Word,” when used correctly, can be one of the most colorful and versatile words in the English language. Similar to the word “fuck,” “word” can be used to mean many different things. It is one of the rare words that can mean exact opposites, depending on context, tone, and body language.“Word” is also one of the most complicated words in the English language, simply because it has so many uses. To tell the difference between it’s many uses, you really need to pay attention to the context and intonation of the speaker.
Informal Uses of “Word”非正式用法
1. Word can mean okay or just to communicate that you heard them.
Word 可以表示好的或表示你聽到了。
E.g.: “I’ll be there in 5 minutes.”
E.g.: “I’m going to the store, I’ll be back later.”
Note: Here it’s usually said quickly and indifferently.
2. Word can mean cool, like:
Word 可以表示很酷,例如:
E.g.: “I got an A on my test.”
Note: Here it’s used with a little more excitement, and it’s a little more drawn out..
3. Word can be used in an annoyed or indifferent way, like yeah, whatever:
Word 可以用于表示被惹惱了或漫不經(jīng)心,猶如“嗯,隨便啦”的用法。
E.g. : “Hey man, you forgot to clean up.”
E.g.: “I’m going to hang out with John (someone you don’t like).”
Note: Here it’s used often with the roll of the eyes, and in annoyed sound in their voice. It’s also a little drawn out..
4. Word can be used to show disbelief, like “really?”
Word 可以表示不相信,類似于“真的嗎?”
E.g.: “Yo, I got a new car.”
5. Word up is also sometimes used, but it has a slightly different meaning. It can mean I agree with what you’re saying, usually with some enthusiasm.
Word up 有時也會用到,但它的意思有些不同。它可以表示“我同意你說的,通常帶有一些激動興奮的熱情?!?/p>
E.g.: “Language Tips is amazing!”
“Word up!”
6. To put words in your mouth means to falsely or inaccurately report what you said.
To put words in your mouth表示錯誤地或不精準地報道你所說的話。
E.g.: “Hey man, that’s not what I said. You’re putting words in my mouth.”
7. To take the words out of my mouth means I was thinking the exact same thing.
To take the words out of my mouth 表示這正是我想說的。
E.g.: “I was just about to say that! You took the words right out of my mouth.”
8. Word on the street is a rumor or piece of information that is currently being talked about.
Word on the street 表示流言蜚語或部分正在被討論的信息。
E.g.: “Word on the street is Chad has a fan club.”
9. Word to the wise is a hint or brief explanation given.
Word to the wise表示明白人不用細說。
E.g.: “Word to the wise, don’t go through the favelas in a BMW.”
Less Informal Uses of “Word”稍微正式點word口語用法
10. To give your word means to tell the truth:
To give your word 表示告訴你事實:
E.g.: “Will you be here when I get back? Give me your word.”
11. Don’t take my word for it is to trust what is being said:
Don’t take my word for it 表示相信你所聽到的。
E.g.: “Papaya is delicious, but don’t just take my word for it, try it yourself.
12. Keep your word, do what you have promised.
Keep your word表示信守諾言
E.g.: John gave his word to not eat meat for 30 days.
E.g.: Remember John, you said you would go on a vegetarian diet for 30 days, keep your word.
13. To have a word is to have a quick conversation, to speak briefly.
To have a word 表示簡單的聊幾句,快速的對話。
E.g.: “I have some news, can I have a word with you real quick?”
14. In other words, to express something in a different way. In other words is often abbreviated as i.e.
In other words表示換句話說,通??s寫為ie.
E.g.: “I got drunk at the bar last night, so in other words I’m getting better at holding my liquor.”
15. Just say the word means I am at your service, just tell me when you want to be served.
Just say the word 表示我隨時為您服務,只要您需要,隨時為您效勞。
E.g.: “Would you like some water?”“Not now, maybe later.”“Just say the word.”
16. Word of mouth is when Information passed through people talking, not through the written language.
Word of mouth 指口口相傳,而非通過書面語言。
“Capoeira was passed down through word of mouth.”
17. Words fail me / at a loss for words means to be unable to speak. Often used to express disbelief or dismay.
Words fail me / at a loss for words 表示無法說話。通常用于表達懷疑、不相信或驚慌。
E.g.: “Words fail me, I don’t know what to say…” or “I can’t believe he did that, I’m at a loss for words…”
18. In your own words means to say it as you think it.
In your own words 表示按你想的說。
E.g.: In your own words, what does chapter 12 say?
(來源:滬江英語 編輯:祝興媛)
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