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中國日報網(wǎng) 2016-03-25 16:26






1. Looking sharp today, Pig-Pen. 乒乓今天很帥哦。

2. Good grief. 天哪。

3. You blockhead! 你這個蠢貨。

4. Aw, my sweet babboo! 我的小鮮肉!

5. Big brother, pull yourself together! 哥哥,振作起來!

6. It’s not often you get the opportunity to start over with a clean slate. 能有個重新開始的機會不是件容易的事兒。

7. The key is keeping a low profile. 關(guān)鍵是保持低調(diào)。

8. If I could only work up the nerve to go over there, I’d… 如果我能鼓起勇氣過去……

9. Let me let you in on a little secret, Charlie Brown. 我告訴你一個小秘密吧,查理?布朗。

10. Break a leg, Chuck! 祝你成功,查克。

11. Rats! 討厭!

12. I got the basics down. 我掌握基本要領(lǐng)了。

13. These cupcakes don’t look half bad, if I do say so myself. 要我來說的話,這些紙杯蛋糕看起來真不錯。

14. It’s now or never. 此時不上更待何時。

15. It was written in the cards. 這是命中注定的。

16. It must be a typo! 一定是寫錯名字了!

17. Now there’s a guy who’s going places. 這才是一個有前途的人。

18. Maybe things will go your way again after you hand in your book report. 也許你把讀書報告交了之后,事情還會往好的方向發(fā)展。

19. The whole world seems to be conspiring against me. 仿佛全世界都在跟我作對。

20. Way to go, Charles! 干得漂亮,查爾斯!


1. I may have had troubles in the past flying a kite, and I may have never won a baseball game, but it’s not for the lack of trying.

2. Charlie Brown is not a quitter.

3. You’re being ridiculous, Charlie Brown. Why, you have much to offer.


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Patty: You know, I always wanted to dance with Pig-Pen.

Violet: Uh, yuck!

Sally: Why isn't anyone dancing? It's called a dance!

Linus: Hey, guys. Huh!

Sally: Oh, sweet babboo!

Linus: Oh, no. Here she comes.

Sally: Someone needs to get this dance started.

Linus: No. No! Woo.

Charlie Brown: These cupcakes don't look half-bad, if I do say so myself. This time, I've come totally prepared. I couldn't have done it without you. The old Charlie Brown would still be lying in bed with a stomachache. Huh? Good grief.

Peppermint: Marcie, look! Everyone's here!

Charlie Brown: Oh, let me help you with that, Marcie.

Marcie: Such a gentleman, Charles.

Charlie Brown: She's here. Huh?

Host: Okay, ladies, it's time for you to show off your best moves. Which one of you will win the first half of our dance competition and take home the trophy. Let them hear it!

Girl: Nice move.

Sally: Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay! Yay!

Host: Listen to that noise, I think it's safe to say we know who our winner is!

Charlie Brown: She won.

Host: And now, it's the gentlemen's turn to see who will be joining our lovely winning lady for the final dance of the night.

Charlie Brown: I got to get out there.

Host: Are you guys ready? Then, here we go!

Charlie Brown: This is it. It's now or never.

Peppermint: Whoa! Check out the moves on that funny-looking kid with a big nose!

Host: Yeah. All right!

Charlie Brown: Okay, just like you practiced. Remember the steps. One. Two. Three. Four.

Frieda: Charlie Brown?

Shermy: All right.

Host: It looks like we may have a winner here!

Charlie Brown: It's gonna happen. I'm about to dance with the Little Red-Haired Girl. Whoa!

Peppermint: Whoa!!

Lucy: Ugh! Let's get outta here! Ahh!

Patty: Do I know you?

Pig-Pen: Huh?

Charlie Brown: Wait. It's not over yet! Thanks, buddy. I hate to say it, Snoopy. It seems like the harder I try, the further away she gets.

(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 陳丹妮)

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