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4. 奧運資格遭取消
be disqualified from the Olympics
Chinese swimmer Chen Xinyi was disqualified from the Olympic Games for having failed doping tests, the Court of Arbitration for Sport said on Thursday.
18日,中國體育代表團(the Chinese sports delegation)正式收到國際體育仲裁法庭(the Court of Arbitration for Sport)關于我國游泳運動員陳欣怡興奮劑陽性(positive doping test)的處罰決定,正式確認陳欣怡7日里約奧運會賽內興奮劑檢查(doping test during the Rio Games)氫氯噻嗪陽性(a positive result for hydrochlorothiazide)為興奮劑違規(guī)(anti-doping rule violation),并給予運動員取消里約奧運會資格(be disqualified from the Rio Olympic Games)的處罰。中國游泳協(xié)會(the Chinese Swimming Association)尊重國際體育仲裁法庭做出的判罰決定,并將對陳欣怡興奮劑陽性事件展開徹底調查(launch a thorough investigation )和依法依規(guī)(in accordance with laws and regulations)作出處理。國際體育仲裁法庭還表示,里約奧運會之后的處罰將交由國際泳聯(lián)決定(it is up to the International Swimming Federation to decide on the athlete's punishments following the Rio Games)。
7日,陳欣怡在女子100米蝶泳決賽中名列第四(finish fourth in the women's 100m butterfly final)。被查出A瓶氫氯噻嗪陽性后,陳欣怡自愿接受暫時禁賽(accept a provisional suspension),并向國際奧委會提交了B瓶檢測和召開聽證會的申請(apply to the International Olympic Committee for testing of sample B and a hearing to look into the matter)。氫氯噻嗪屬于掩蔽劑(masking agent)、利尿劑(diuretic),可以用于減肥(can be used for weight loss),在興奮劑檢查中可以通過稀釋尿液,從而遮蔽其他違禁藥品(cover up the presence of other prohibited drugs by diluting one's urine in doping tests)。年僅18歲的陳欣怡是中國游泳隊的新星(a rising star in the Chinese swimming team)。在去年的喀山游泳世錦賽上(at the 2015 World Aquatics Championship in Kazan),她代表中國隊參加了女子4x100米混合泳接力(women's 4x100m medley relay)預賽。2014年仁川亞運會上,她曾獲得50米自由泳、100米蝶泳兩塊金牌(win gold at the 2014 Incheon Asian Games in the 50m freestyle, 100m butterfly)。
提高比賽成績的藥品 performance-enhancing drugs
反興奮劑工作 anti-doping campaign
興奮劑丑聞 doping scandal
興奮劑違規(guī)禁賽 doping ban
違禁藥品 banned/prohibited substances
上一篇 : 奧運熱詞榜(8.6-12)
下一篇 : 一周熱詞榜(8.20-26)
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