Woman: Oh. This isn't decaf. You know what caffeine does to me, Bob. I'd be talking up a storm, chatting your ear off a mile a minute for the whole ride. Mr. Weenie, heel. Heel, Mr. Weenie.
Elliot: Hot. Yuck. Yuck. It's terrible but wonderful at the same time. It's like freedom in a cup. Out of hand.
Woman: You know, I heard Boog got loose last night and he totally trashed the place.
Man: Really?
Woman: That's what happened.
Shaw: There's something wrong going on here. You? It walks like a man. Hold still, you two-legged latte drinker.
Woman: Look out!
Gordy: Not again.
Beth: Boog will have you eating out of his paw. Get it? "Paw," because he's a bear? So anyway...
Boog: Oh, man. Okay, relax, Boog. You can do this.
Elliot: I gotta hide. I gotta hide.
Boog: What are you doing? Get out of here. Hey.
Elliot: He's right behind me.
Shaw: I knew it. That bear's corrupted my buck.
Elliot: Hide me.
Boog: All right, he's gone. Now get out.
Elliot: Good idea.
Beth: Behold, the mighty grizzly.
Woman: How cute, a donkey.
Boog: You got me in enough trouble.
Elliot: Hey, I... You saved my life. That means that you're responsible for me.
Boog: What? Stop messing up my life.
Elliot: You needed to get out. You should thank me.
Boog: Thank you?
Elliot: You're welcome, buddy.
Boog: Stop calling me that. Now get out.
Elliot: Need to hide. Need to hide.
Beth: Boog?
Boog: Oh, no, you don't. You're leaving now. Out of the coat.
Elliot: No.
Boog: Take it off.
Elliot: No. No!
Boog: Take off the coat.
Elliot: No means no.
Woman: He's eating the donkey.
Man: He's gonna eat us all.
Elliot: You know he's still out there.
Beth: Eat you? He's not gonna... Boog, what are you doing? Put that animal down this instant.
Boog: Hold still.
Elliot: No, I'm staying.
Boog: But my show!
Beth: Sit, Boog. You're getting a time-out. Do you hear me? I'm totally getting angry.
Elliot: That guy wants to kill me.
Beth: No, wait.
Elliot: I chipped a hoof.
Boog: Chipped a...? You chipped a... I'm gonna kill you.
Beth: He's harmless. Really.Stay calm. Stay calm!
Shaw: Out of my way. Move. Show's over, you four-legged freaks of nature.
1. Talk up a storm
如果要“講起一陣暴風雨”來,那得多大的力氣?。?Talk up a storm 的意思就是“to do something with a lot of energy”,例如:Her dog barks up a storm every time the phone rings. 每次電話一響,她的狗都狂吠不止。
2. Chat one’s ear off
如果聊天聊到別人的耳朵都掉下來了,那說明這話說得可不少。Chat one’s ear off 的意思就是“talk a lot”,例如:My mum really chatted my ear off. 我媽嘮叨個沒完。
3. A mile a minute
一分鐘一英里,說明什么?速度快唄! A mile a minute 的意思就是“very rapidly”,例如: She was talking a mile a minute about the accident. 她快速地描述著事故。
4. Heel
Heel 的意思是“尾隨”,當你要對狗狗發(fā)號施令要它跟你走的時候就可以用這個詞。
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