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[ 2008-01-16 17:08 ]


文化面面觀  Kate Winslet 凱特· 溫斯萊特

考考你   一展身手




Mary: What shall we do?

Stan: I don't know. Mellow out. You're freaking me out.

Mary: Well. We have to do something. He could wake up all half-baked.

Stan: Ok. Quiet. You're freaking me out.

Mary: All gooey and… and… half -baked. Um. That sounds so good. I'm hungry.

Stan: OK. Um… Oh, shit. Oh, shit.

Mary: Oh! Oh!

Stan: What? What? What?

Mary: We should call Howard!

Stan: No way! No sir, man. This is my… I can handle this. You can't call Howard.

Mary: He’s a half-baked cookie. He’s… There's no time tofuck around.

Stan: I've got this under control. What are you talking about?

Mary: Stop fucking around!

Stan: Okay. I'll call Howard.

Howard: Hello?

Stan: Hello? Howard? Hey, It's Stan. Um… I'm working on this guy down here and we seem to have lost him for a moment. And uh, I can’t, I can't bring him back up.

Howard: OK. Uh. Tell me what happened before he disappeared.

Stan: Well, I wasn't sure, really, because I was away from the monitor for a minute and I had it on auto-pilot because I had to, I had to pee.

Howard: Well, where, where was Patrick?

Stan: Patrick? Patrick had to go home sick.

Howard: Oh. Jesus. OK. What's the address?

Stan: I know. I'm so sorry.

Howard: That’s OK. Come on.

Stan: I'm at 159 South Village. Apartment 1-E. Rockville Center. Mary?

Mary: Yeah?

Stan: He's coming right now.

Mary: I'm staying.

Stan: Get your stuff. Mary.

Mary: I’m staying.

Stan: I think you should go.

Mary: Hell. No.

Stan: Mary. Shit.

Mary: I am so stoned.

Stan: Please, Mary, you have to go.

Mary: Stop being stoned Mary. I don't want him to see me stoned.

Stan: Mary, you have no idea how much trouble we're gonna get into if Howard comes -

Clementine: Joel, stop! Joel. Look! Hey! Joel! Joel.

Joel: I want her to pick me up. It's weird how strong that desire is.

Clementine: Joel! Joe! Look at me! You'll remember me in the morning and you'll come to me, and you'll tell me about us, and we'll start over.

Woman: Pat? I just… Pat? I thought we could have a little cocktail.

Joel: That Patrick guy, he's copying me.

Clementine: What Patrick guy?

Joel: That guy! He's here. In my apartment. He’s one of the eraser guys. He fell for you when they were doing you, and now he's introduced himself like he doesn't even know you and you guys are dating.

Clementine: Really? Is he cute?

Patrick: Clem. There's nothing wrong with you. You're the most wonderful person I've ever met. You're kind and beautiful and smart and funny and nice.

Clementine: What?!

Stan: Okay. Alright.

Mary: Oh. Move! Move! Come on, let's go! Ah! I'm still stoned. Those eyedrops you gave me didn't do shit.

Stan: Be cool. Be cool.

Howard: Hello, Mary. What are you doing here?

Stan: Uh, hi, Howard. Sh-she was just here to help out.


1. Mellow out

這個片語在這里的意思是 “calm down, relax”,因為發(fā)生事故后Mary很恐慌,Stan 叫她“冷靜一點”,例如:The teacher mellowed out when they explained what had happened. 他們解釋清楚發(fā)生了什么事后,老師才不緊張了。

2. Fuck around

Fuck around 這里的意思是“胡鬧 fool around, engage in frivolous activity”,Stan急得不知如何處理,Mary 告訴他別胡鬧了,趕快叫老板來。

3. Stoned

Stoned 這里是個俚語,意思是“爛醉的,醉醺醺的”,它還可以表示吸毒后的亢奮狀態(tài)“亢奮的,興奮的”。


文化面面觀  Kate Winslet 凱特· 溫斯萊特

考考你   一展身手

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