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American pie 2《美國派》2精講之一
[ 2008-03-17 17:57 ]


影片簡介  American Pie 2 美國派 2

考考你   一展身手





Oz: Morning, dude.

Stifler: Come on, Ozzy. It's show time. Ozzy, before you go to Ann Arbor to pick up Heather, I wanna show you what you're missing.

Oz: See what they are today, dude. See what they are today. Okay, here we go. Moment of truth.

Stifler: Ooh! There's little hearts on her panties!

Oz: Super.

Stifler: There's little hearts on her panties! Come on, look, you pussy. Look. What the fuck, man? Come on! I'm disappointed in you. Here it is, the end of our freshman year and you screwed one girl. One. You're a disgrace to men everywhere. I mean, look at the Stifmeister. I got laid 23 times this year, and I'm not counting the hummer I got in the library stacks, baby.

Oz: Here's a new idea for you, Stifler, okay? You find a girl. You two become best friends. You don't bother counting how many times you have sex with each other. You just laugh at the people that do count.

Stifler: Here's a new idea for you. I'll get you a spoon so you can eat my ass.

Teacher: Okay, people. Notebooks closed. Let'sget this exam rolling.

Stifler: Holy shit, dude. We got an exam today?

Oz: You kiddin me?

Stifler: Bullshit.

Heather: Yes! I'm never even gonna think about political science again.

Oz: Hey. How'd you do?

Heather: Oh, fine.

Oz: Yeah?

Heather: I can't believe I'm doing this summer abroad thing. Last thing I need is more classes.

Oz: You're gonna have a great time.

Kevin: Hello, summer! Did that exam blow or what?

Heather: Yeah, it sucked.

Kevin: Ozzy!

Oz: Kev, what's up, man? How are you?

Kevin: Good. Put your party hat on.


1. show time / showtime

本來是表示“(娛樂活動,表演,電影放映)開始”的意思,在俚語中也用來表示“(事情)開始”。在國內(nèi)我們最常見的,就是某個娛樂活動開始的時候,主持人大喊一聲:Show time!

2. moment of truth

這個片語的意思是“關鍵時刻”,起源于西班牙斗牛中殺死牛的最后一劍。比如:Now that all the bills are in, we've come to the moment of truth--can we afford to live here or not? 現(xiàn)在所有的賬單都來了,我們到了關鍵時刻——我們還住得起這里嗎?

3. You're a disgrace to men everywhere.


4. eat someone's ass

通常這個片語表示一種憤怒和氣憤,表示“我不同意”,“我不相信你”等等。比如:-- I just won a million dollars. – Eat my ass!

5. get rolling

這個片語也寫作 get a move on / get cracking / get going,意思就是“hurry up; start working 快點;開始干……”,比如:Get rolling, it's late. 快點吧,已經(jīng)晚了。Let's get cracking, kids. 我們開始吧,孩子。


影片簡介  American Pie 2 美國派 2

考考你   一展身手

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