Mr Goodfellow: Mrs Parker asked after you again this morning.
Mrs Goodfellow: Surprise, surprise.
Mr Goodfellow: I think I'm beginning to run out excuses.
Mrs Goodfellow: Well, then don't make any. You know what you can do, you can go down and kill that bloody dog, and I'll put in a month of Sundays.
Mr Goodfellow: Was that a brassier over Holly's shoulder this morning?
Mrs Goodfellow: You're a half day behind the rest of us, you know that? We call it a bra nowadays.
Mr Goodfellow: Why did she have it over her shoulder?
Mrs Goodfellow: She was doing the laundry.
(Dog barking)
Mrs Goodfellow: Mr Brown? Mr Brown, it's Mrs Goodfellow, about Clarence, it's about your dog.
Mr Brown: You woke me.
Mrs Goodfellow: Yes, well, your dog woke me.
Mr Brown: What did you say?
Mrs Goodfellow: I said your dog woke me.
Mr Brown: Well, he's found his voice.
Mrs Goodfellow: Yes, he has, hasn't he? I was wondering whether we could perhaps keep him inside just the night-time.
1. ask after
這個片語的意思是“to make inquiries about the health, etc of 問候,探問”,表示對第三方的問候,例如:She asked after his father. 她問候了他的父親。
2. I think I'm beginning to run out excuses
“我想我沒什么借口了”。Run out 這里的意思是“用光,耗盡”。
3. put in
Put in 這里的意思是“spend time at a location or job”,就是“工作(在布道后和牧師一起在教堂外送別教眾)”,例如:He put in three years at hard labor. 他辛苦工作了三年。
4. a month of Sundays
一個月有28天到31天,“一個月的星期天”就意味著連續(xù)三十個星期。這個成語喻指“很長的時間”。例如:He could easily have revenged himself by giving me a kick with heavy shoes on the head or the loins that would have spoiled my running for a month of Sundays. 他若要報仇,那很容易,只要用他沉重的靴尖向我頭部或腰部一踢,就能讓我很長時間走不了路。