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Beta: Oh, here it is! I picked up the bird's scent!
Delta: Wait a minute, wait a minute. What is this? Chocolate. I smell chocolate.
Beta: I'm getting prunes and ginger cream. Who are they?
Delta: Oh, man, the master will not be pleased. We'd better tell him someone took the bird, right, Alfa?

Beta: No.
Alfa: Soon enough the bird will be ours again. Find the scent, my compadres, and you, too, shall have much rewarding from the master for the toil that you did.
Delta: Hey, Alfa, I think there's something wrong with your collar. You must have broken it.
Beta:Yeah. Your voice sounds funny.
Alfa: Beta, Delta! Perhaps you desire... Squirrel! Perhaps you desire to challenge the right that I have been assigned by my strength and cunning.
Delta: No, no. No. But maybe Dug would. You might wanna ask him.
Beta: I wonder if he's found the bird on his "very special mission".
Alfa: Do not mention Dug to me at this time. His fool's errand will keep him most occupied...Most occupied, indeed. Do you not agree with that which I'm saying to you now?
Beta: Sure.
Delta: But the second the master finds out that you sent Dug out by himself, none of us will get a treat.
Alfa: You're unwise, my trusted lieutenant. This is Alfa. Calling Dug. Come in, Dug.
Dug: Hi, Alfa. Your voice sounds funny.
Alfa: I know, I know! Have you seen the bird?
Dug: Oh, yes. The bird is my prisoner now.
Beta: Yeah, right.
Alfa: Impossible. Where are you?
Dug: I am here with the bird and I will bring it back, and then you like me. Oh, gotta go.
Russel: Dug, who are you talking to?
Delta: Wait, wait! - What is Dug doing?
Beta: Why is he with the small mailman? Where are they?
Alfa: There he is. Come on!
妙語佳句 活學活用
1. pick up the scent: 發(fā)現蹤跡,察出氣味,也可以用pick up a trail來表示。
例如:The dogs easily picked up the scent of the murderer.(狗毫不費力地嗅出了謀殺者的氣味。)
2. soon enough: 非??斓亍?/p>
例如:He got what he wanted soon enough.(他很快便如愿以償。)
3. compadre: a friend, companion, or close associate(密友,伙伴)。這種說法在美國西南部較常見。
4. toil: 辛苦,辛勤勞動。
例如:The joy overpays the toil.(所得的快樂超過付出的辛勞。)
此外,toil還可以表示“艱難緩慢地移動;跋涉”。If you toil somewhere, you move there slowly and with difficulty, usually because you are very tired.
5. cunning: 狡猾的,狡詐的。
要記住,Wisdom differs from cunning.(聰明和狡猾不同),但cunning也可以用來形容“可愛的,機靈的”,見到逗人喜愛的小貓,你就可以說What a cunning kitten!
此外,cunning還可以表示“精巧的;熟練的”。例如:It takes cunning workmen to make such elaborate furniture.(能工巧匠才能制作如此精致的家具。)
6. fool's errand: 徒勞無功的工作。也寫作gawk's errand。
在這里,Alfa是在抱怨Dug沒能盡快把Kevin捉住。白跑了一趟,我們就可以說是on a fool's errand。
7. lieutenant: 副職官員;助理官員。Alfa在這里這樣稱呼Delta,有諷刺意味。
8. mailman: 郵差。
考考你 小試牛刀