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The Secret Life of Bees 蜜蜂的秘密生活
[ 2007-11-27 18:08 ]



Author: Sue Monk Kidd

List Price: $14.00

Pages: 336

Publisher: Penguin (Non-Classics)

ISBN: 978-0142001745

  |Character Information|


Book Description:

In Sue Monk Kidd's The Secret Life of Bees, 14-year-old Lily Owen, neglected by her father and isolated on their Georgia peach farm, spends hours imagining a blissful infancy when she was loved and nurtured by her mother, Deborah, whom she barely remembers. These consoling fantasies are her heart's answer to the family story that as a child, in unclear circumstances, Lily accidentally shot and killed her mother. All Lily has left of Deborah is a strange image of a Black Madonna, with the words "Tiburon, South Carolina" scrawled on the back. The search for a mother, and the need to mother oneself, are crucial elements in this well-written coming-of-age story set in the early 1960s against a background of racial violence and unrest. When Lily's beloved nanny, Rosaleen, manages to insult a group of angry white men on her way to register to vote and has to skip town, Lily takes the opportunity to go with her, fleeing to the only place she can think of--Tiburon, South Carolina--determined to find out more about her dead mother. Although the plot threads are too neatly trimmed, The Secret Life of Bees is a carefully crafted novel with an inspired depiction of character. The legend of the Black Madonna and the brave, kind, peculiar women who perpetuate Lily's story dominate the second half of the book, placing Kidd's debut novel squarely in the honored tradition of the Southern Gothic.


20世紀60年代的美國南方,美國黑人民權運動風起云涌。一個十四歲的白人女孩,在與父母的爭執(zhí)中不小心揀起地上的槍,突然槍走火,把自己的媽媽打死了。她的父親粗暴簡單,小女孩心靈背負重壓。幾年后,她踏上了流浪之路。一個由三個黑人同胞姐妹組成的黑人家庭收容了她。在這個家庭中,小女孩心中的陰暗情結得到了救贖,得到了療傷,生命重新被點亮,找到了自我,學會了寬容,學會了堅強,學會了愛。故事讓人感動,久久回味。用丑陋和艱難,照亮生命中的美。南卡羅來納州,一個懷揣著無盡秘密與煩惱的女孩躺在床上,思母心切。神秘和蜂群從她閨房的墻縫中涌出,滿屋子輕盈翻飛。一張黑圣母的畫像,一個瞬間閃現(xiàn)的聲音:“你的蜜蜂瓶蓋子打開了”,讓她依稀看到前方的路。在一個蜜與蜂的避難所思里,她被救贖、療傷,與迷失的自己再次相遇。(Penguin Group)  

About Author:

Sue Monk Kidd (born August 12, 1948) is a writer from the Southern United States, best known for her novel, The Secret Life of Bees.

蘇·蒙克·基德(Sue Monk kidd),1948生于美國,集經(jīng)典與暢銷于一身的美國著名女作家,《蜜蜂的秘密生活》是她的成名作。


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