Come with us as we take you on a journey somewhere not-so-far over the rainbow and experience a land where music and bright lights wild and beguile you. Join the journey where great Hollywood films are remade into the smashing musicals, great bandstand music and number one hits you know today. Witness the film stars of yesterday such as Judy Garland, Elvis Presley, and Barbara Streisand pave the way for great movie-musical experiences like Cabaret, Dreamgirls and All That Jazz. So sit back, relax and as we take the leap from Hollywood to Broadway.
For our first stop, we will show you those great movie-musicals that have kept a special place in our hearts since the late 1920's. And who could with good conscience forget numbers such as "Hooray for Hollywood" (Hollywood Hotel) and "New York, New York" (On the Town). These classics broke box office records and allowed the trend of large, show-stopping numbers to become everyone's favorite musical past time.

Next we take a ride on the "boogey train" and join men like Kevin Bacon and John Travolta as they dance the night way in films such as Footloose and Saturday Night Fever. These films were dominant in proving that grown men could still be masculine, while at the same time being sexy, stylish and groovy. Travolta would go on to dance in the 1978 movie Grease and the 2007 movie-musical production of Hairspray. Bacon still remains one of the top movie stars in Hollywood.
Who can forget the screaming crowds, the die-hard fans and the great concerts of the 1960's? If you were there, you were probably dancing to classics like "Penny Lane" and "Ticket to Ride" which were performed by none other than The Beatles. The Beatles became a nation-wide craze and would go down as being one of the most influential bands in Rock n' Roll history selling millions of albums over a span of 10 years.

Musical Theatre is often illustrated as a world of great beauty and fantastic special effects. Andrew Lloyd Weber's Phantom of the Opera and Claude-Michel Sch?nberg and Alain Boublil's Miss Saigon are shining examples of European elegance and influence being brought to life. These musicals may have different stories, but they send the same message. The message is that love can be found anywhere. Love can be found in a haunted opera house in the 1850's or war-torn Vietnam in the 1970's.

Our next stop shows us that traditional musical theatre had been bringing smiles to the faces of the public for over 50 years. The costumes, the lights and the music all come together to create a masterpiece. Shows like Cabaret and My Fair Lady helped launch the careers of two female actresses that would be remembered through the ages. They were Liza Minnelli and Audrey Hepburn.
Every musical age has an affect on the next musical age. Contemporary music would not be what it is if not for the influences of the past. Artists like Billy Joel and groups like Abba were popular on the pop music charts, but their music also managed to make it to Broadway with shows like Movin' Out and Mama Mia! Both shows were successful and proved that modern music has a place on Broadway.
You can not mention stars of the past without mentioning the great Judy Garland. Her face has stuck with us over the years in favorites such as The Wizard of Oz and A Star Is Born. Judy Garland has a voice that was unmatchable in her time and still is unmatchable today. She would go on to win numerous awards for vocal performance and was clearly an American treasure. She left us not only with her reputation, but with her daughter as well--the irreplaceable Liza Minnelli.

Western swing is a style of popular music that evolved in the 1920s in the American Southwest among the region's popular Western string bands. Fundamentally an outgrowth of jazz, much Western Swing is dance music with an up-tempo beat consisting of an eclectic combination of rural, cowboy, polka, and folk music, New Orleans jazz, or Dixieland, and blues blended with a jazzy "swing". Later incarnations have also included overtones of bebop.
In the movies, it is very common for the man to be the hero. He fights the bad guys and wins the girl. But musicals gave women the chance to be the strong ones. Musicals like "Dreamgirls" and "Annie" are two different heartbreaking stories of what young women do to get through the hard times and survive. In the end, it turns out that women can have everything that they want, as well. Musicals made women equal to men in many ways.
Broadway has had many giants walk its streets. The most famous of these giants can easily be identified as Andrew Llyod Weber. Andrew Llyod Webber's influence on Broadway can be seen in his most successful shows such as Phantom of the Opera, CATS. These shows are the corner stone of Broadway history and still amaze people through reputation even though CATS have since closed.

"The King of Rock n' Roll" is the title given only to Elvis Presley. His music changed the face of music over the span of the late 1950's to the late 1960's. His death was so shocking that rumors circulated for years that he was actually still alive. His music has passed on from generation to generation and is loved by many today and in the year 2004, his music was made into a musical named after one of his hottest selling hits, "All Shook Up". All Shook Up made it to Broadway and lasted almost a year before closing.
說起艾維斯?普雷斯利人們可能不是很熟悉,但是說到貓王,你不可能不知道他是誰。貓王,“搖滾之王”,讓上世紀50年代末至60年代末的音樂改頭換面。他的死震驚了世界,也給人們留下了種種的猜疑。貓王的音樂經(jīng)歷了時間的考驗。就在2004年,他的作品“All Shook Up”被改編成了同名的百老匯音樂劇,并持續(xù)演了近一年。
Our next visit lets us take a break from the serious side of things and lets us laugh a little. Movies and musicals can give us many things. One of those great things is laughter. The classic movie-musical Singing in the Rain is the perfect film to put a smile on your face. Newer musicals like The Unsinkable Molly Brown gives us the ability to identify with a loud-mouthed southern woman who always tells us like it is.

Broadway babies are shows that have always had a special place in the heart of the wide world of performing. Shows like Into the Woods and Fame are shows that seem to continuously come back into style with the passing years. College and community theatres favor these shows because they ensure a large and talented ensemble of performers instead of a single, shining star. Both shows have had large successes in their Broadway runs as well as tours and local performances.

Our final stop brings us to the numbers in musicals referred to as "show stoppers." They are called "shop stoppers" because they do just that. When these songs are started, everyone who is watching them is focused entirely on what is going on. The song "One" from A Chorus Line uses mirrors, great costumes, and sharp dance moves to bring this famous show to its close. Other numbers that do the same thing are "Mame" from Mame, "Don't Rain on My Parade" from Funny Girl, and "Anything Goes" from Cole Porter's Anything Goes. These movies, shows and music classics have brought joy and happiness into the lives of so many. Allow yourself to join the ranks of those who have come to call theatre and music, "America's favorite past time."
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From Screen to Stage 從銀幕到舞臺
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(來源:滬江英語 編輯:張若瓊)