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[ 2011-09-16 14:16]     字號 [] [] []  
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The Ice World show at The Venetian Macao is proving so popular that the show is being continued through Oct 9. In the Wonders of the World section, you can see a replica of India’s Taj Majal and France’s Eiffel carved from ice.


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Ice is a small word with just three letters, but it has many meanings in English. Ice is the definition of frozen water. It’s also slang for diamonds or other flashy jewelry – real or fake. Someone will say, “She’s wearing a lot of ice.”

If you “ice” a cake, you’re putting frosting (“icing”) on the cake. If you “ice” a person, you killed him. If you are fighting with your cousin, and your mother tells you, “You are skating on thin ice,” that means you are about to get into trouble. If I put a “project on ice,” that means I put it aside to work on something else.

An “ice princess” is a young woman who is cold-natured. If you don’t like the woman, you can say, “That ice princess doesn’t cut any ice with me.”

Ice只有3個字母,但含義豐富。Ice除了表示“冰”,在俚語中還可以表示鉆石或珠寶(不管真貨假貨)。有的人會說,“She’s wearing a lot of ice”。

如果你說ice a cake,就表示你在蛋糕上加了霜狀白糖。如果你說ice a person,意思是說你殺了他。如果你和堂兄妹正干仗,你的媽媽會跟你說,“You are skating on thin ice”,意思是說你倆再這么下去要出事兒了。如果我put a project on ice,就是說我把活放一邊去忙別的。

Ice princess是形容一個性情冷淡的年輕女子。如果你不喜歡她,你可以說“That ice princess doesn’t cut any ice with me.”

(中國日報網英語點津 實習生沈清 編輯:Julie)


About the broadcaster:


Renee Haines is an editor and broadcaster at China Daily. Renee has more than 15 years of experience as a newspaper editor, radio station anchor and news director, news-wire service reporter and bureau chief, magazine writer, book editor and website consultant. She came to China from the United States.





