China is poised to become a net capital exporter for the first time, with total overseas direct investment exceeding foreign direct investment by the end of the year, the head of a top Chinese think tank China Center for International Economic Exchanges said at a forum on Sunday.
凈資本輸出國可以用a net capital exporter表示,net 表示凈值,如凈資產net assets。我們常說的對外直接投資即overseas direct investment,簡寫ODI,外商對華直接投資即foreign direct investment,簡寫FDI。
中國國際經(jīng)濟交流中心 (China Center for International Economic Exchanges,簡稱:國經(jīng)中心,英文縮寫: CCIEE)理事長曾培炎稱, 中國正在從主要商品出口國(a major commodity exporter)轉向資本輸出國 (a capital exporter),資本外流意味著中國能夠參與全球經(jīng)濟結構調整(participate in the restructuring of global industrial)。
同時曾培炎指出,中等收入群體(the middle-income group)將成為穩(wěn)定國內內需的主要力量,2020年中等收入群體將達到6億左右。
(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 劉秀紅)