圣經(jīng)典故: The salt of the earth
[ 2006-07-13 09:00 ]
關(guān)于“鹽”的短語,稍一拾掇就能羅列一大串,如:說“你加深我的痛苦”最常用You've rubbed salt in my wounds(你在我傷口上撒了把鹽),“邀請(qǐng)貴賓坐上席”可以說Please sit above the salt(請(qǐng)上座)…… 今天談的the salt of the earth(精英)源于《圣經(jīng)》。
據(jù)《新約·馬太福音》記載:耶穌對(duì)他的門徒說:“Ye are the salt of the earth: but if the salt have lost its savor, wherewith shall it be salted? ”(你們是世上的鹽,鹽若失了味,如何才能再咸呢?)在這里,salt轉(zhuǎn)義為elite of the world(中堅(jiān)力量,精英,高尚的人)。這是耶穌在福音結(jié)尾時(shí)所說的話,既然他把門徒比做“世上的鹽”,足見此種稱贊高乎尋常。
其實(shí),鹽自古代就很貴重,并被認(rèn)為是“尊貴”的象征——羅馬士兵有專門用來買鹽的salary(津貼);伊麗莎白時(shí)代,王公貴族們的餐桌上都擺著一個(gè)很大的鹽罐,貴賓坐在鹽罐的上首,正因此才有短語Please sit above the salt(請(qǐng)上座)。
When I entered the banquet hall, they all stood up and asked me to sit above the salt.(我一走進(jìn)宴會(huì)廳,他們都站了起來,請(qǐng)我坐上席。)
They think of themselves as the salt of the earth.(他們自認(rèn)為是社會(huì)中堅(jiān)。)
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