目前,對“歇后語”一詞的翻譯難以統(tǒng)一。有人翻譯為Chinese enigmatic folk similes,這一譯法的缺點(diǎn)是歇后語中不全是比喻,也有諧音或雙關(guān)式歇后語。有人翻譯為quiz-cracks(隱語或謎語),同樣也不全面。于是有人提議直接翻譯為xiehouyu in Chinese,這倒是有一定的可借鑒性。因?yàn)樾笳Z是中華民族的獨(dú)特文化,正如二胡(erhu)、中國功夫(Chinese gongfu)等。但是,追根溯源,歇后語最早是文人之間的一種文字游戲,最早叫做“俏皮話”,因此,有人據(jù)此大膽翻譯為Chinese folk wisecracks。
直譯法: 對大多數(shù)喻義歇后語,由于比喻部分生動(dòng)形象,喻義部分邏輯推理合乎情理,不包含一詞兩義的雙關(guān)或諧音,通常采用直譯法,既傳達(dá)源語的內(nèi)容,又維持源語的形象,便于讀者閱讀和欣賞。例如:
瞎子點(diǎn)燈--白費(fèi)蠟。 It is as useless as a blind man lighting a candle.
黃鼠狼給雞拜年--不懷好意。 A weasel wishing Happy New Year to a chicken-harboring no good intention.
肉包子打狗--有去無回。 Chasing a dog by throwing meat dumplings at it-gone, never to return.
竹籃打水--一場空。 Like ladling water with a wicker basket-all is empty (nothing).
八仙過海--各顯其能。 (Like) the Eight Immortals crossing the sea-each showing his or her special prowess. ( Each of them shows their true worth.)
隔著門縫看人--把人瞧扁了。 If you peer at a person through a crack-he looks flat.
兔子尾巴長不了。 The tail of a rabbit-cannot be long; won't last long.
解釋性替代是指當(dāng)詞語在源語和譯語中的內(nèi)涵意義相同,但聯(lián)想意義不同時(shí),不能按照字面翻譯,而應(yīng)該用解釋性替代的方法翻譯原文。漢語中的成語即諺語翻譯一般用解釋性替代的方法來進(jìn)行翻譯,例如: 揮金如土 spend money like water
牛角抹油——又尖(奸)又滑(猾) Spreading oil on an ox horn——to make it sharper and more slippery or cunning and treacherous.
Li Shuangshuang sees her husband——she has Xiwang now; like Li Shuangshuang meeting her husband Xiwang, a homophone for the Chinese word xiwang meaning hope, there is hope now.
井底雕花——深刻 Carving a flower design on the bottom of a well——carving deeply or get to the essence of something.
搟面杖吹火———一竅不通?A rolling pin used as a bellows —no good at all.
Wang Xiao'er spending the New Year——one year is worse than another; like Wang Xiao’er's life, one year is worse than another.?
Bale out from a flying plane——drop down a thousand zhang or suffer a drastic decline; like jumping from a flying plane, they decline drastically.
英漢兩種語言中存有大量由歷史典故形成的習(xí)語,如,“東施效顰”、“名落孫山”、“葉公好龍”等等。英語典故習(xí)語多來自《圣經(jīng)》和希臘羅馬神話,如Achilles'heel(唯一致命弱點(diǎn))、meet one's Waterloo(一敗涂地)、Penelope's web(永遠(yuǎn)完不成的工作)、a Pandora's box(潘多拉之盒,代表災(zāi)難、麻煩、禍害的根源)等。
A gathering of Eight Immortals——speaking and laughing; like the Eight Immortals at a gathering, they are talking and laughing merrily.
Note: The Eight Immortals refer to the eight Taoists in a Chinese legend, namely, Han Zhongli, Zhang Guolao, Lü Dongbin, Tieguai Li, Han Xiangzi, Cao Guojiu, Lan Caihe and He Xiangu.
A?character out of Wang Xizhi’s hand——vertical strokes are as good as horizontal ones; like Wang Xizhi's calligraphy, it is good in every way.
Note: Wang Xizhi was a famous Chinese calligrapher and a Chinese character is usually composed of strokes, of which the vertical and horizontal ones are the most commonly used. Hengshu here has two interpretations: 1) the horizontal and vertical strokes; 2) horizontally or vertically, that is, in any way.
The Kitchen God throwing stones——to break the pot or ruin the matter.
Note: The literal meaning of zaguo is to break a pot but it is usually used to mean ruining the matter.
Qin Shubao selling his horse——the last resort to overcome his difficulty; like Qin Shubao selling his horse, they are driven into a dead end
Note: Qin Qiong, styled Shubao, was a famous general in the Tang Dynasty. Before becoming a general, he was once penniless and had no way out but to sell his own horse.