Reader’s question: B: It's my style. Actually, I do anything by fits and snatches. My comments: Also by fits and starts. Observe a car that has an ignition problem. That is, the ignition turns on and then promptly turns off, on and off. The car lunges forward and stops, lunges and stops, giving the driver fits (if, that is, the driver is one prone to be given fits by such matters). “Snatch” implies the action is quick and short. “Fit”? Well, like a person who’s having a fit - an uncontrollable emotion. Hence he who does things by fits and snatches are impulsive, as well explained in the example from above. Well explained indeed I hope this is. Related stories: 本文僅代表作者本人觀點,與本網(wǎng)立場無關。歡迎大家討論學術問題,尊重他人,禁止人身攻擊和發(fā)布一切違反國家現(xiàn)行法律法規(guī)的內(nèi)容。 About the author:Zhang Xin has been with China Daily since 1988, when he graduated from Beijing Foreign Studies University. Write him at:, or raise a question for potential use in a future column. |