當(dāng)前位置: Language Tips> 專欄作家> Zhang Xin
An ice breaker in conversation is a story or activity that helps break the icy silence, warm up the atmosphere and start a conversation.
As an expression, it is actually no different than "For God's sake" or "Good Heavens".
He who does something and ends up with egg on his face has not done a neat, tidy job.
Snake oil as a metaphor is synonymous with anything that is purportedly wonderful but may in fact be worthless.
The reason we understand run-of-the-mill as ordinary is because all mass-produced goods look exactly the same.
The tactics refer to techniques that may look insignificant but are creative and effective.
A flash in the pan is something that flares up but disappears swiftly.
If someone walks his comment, criticism or statement back, they want to take it back or to clarify it.
If we say we have someone's back, they have our support and protection.
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