當前位置: Language Tips> Columnist 專欄作家> Zhang Xin
It means that he's not a finished product – in other words, he's got room for improvement.
In the news, Japan's new Prime Minister is facing the music for not coming back home in the evening.
In short, both stopgap and makeshift means a substitute you make do with on a temporary basis.
A portmanteau word is one created from combining two existing words.
The financial crisis in America has put the golden parachute under renewed scrutiny.
In contrast to Wall Street, where big money changes hands, the Main Street is where common folks eke out a trade.
Beijing tops ObamaSpeak as the Top Teleword of the Year followed by 'facts are stubborn...
The common lipstick has put a smear on the nasty US election.
A self-defeating policy is one that works against itself and will not succeed.
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