當前位置: Language Tips> Columnist 專欄作家> Zhang Xin
"As a reader points out, 'dint of' and 'sheer' are never used together. It is what grammarians call a tautological error."
To act like Gandhi is to act upon one's dreams and not to always follow what you call "normal rules.
Today's column is inspired from a question raised by an American high school student currently studying in Beijing.
"The Chinese team got all the bounces of the ball. Is this correct English?"
This column is inspired from a lengthy web chat with Whl, who identifies himself as a journalist...
The Greek tragedy we are talking about here is not the drama of ancient Greece, but the colossal defeat...
Last April, Ding Junhui surprised the snooker world by winning the 2005 China Open barely two days after turning 18.
Reader question:
"In this headline (from an article in the New Scientist magazine) - Red letter day for endangered species - what does 'red letter' mean?"
A Yao Ming fan watching the on-going Stankovic Cup on TV asked via MSN: "Please explain the term 'guard play', and based on the Team China's performance in the Stankovic Cup, which ones of the four point guards do you think are most deserving of a place on the World Championship team?
In this passage from a web chat with a friend - 'Tomorrow, my first job interview is coming. I'm nervous. I don't want to fail. Please keep your fingers crossed for me and wish me good luck.
"Recently I've been reading a book titled 'Erudite English Reading'.The introduction passage to the chapter on 'The Renaissance' goes like this..."
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