Take the tip, and leave the advice

2006-03-08 14:18

This question from Jerry in Beijing:
"I enjoy your column, especially the examples. I get a thorough understanding of some words from the examples you give. I wonder where you get them from. My question is in regard to the word 'tip'. When one pays for the taxi, they say "keep the change". That is a tip. That much I understand. 'Tip' can also mean 'advice', right? Please give me an example on that."

Shoulda, woulda, coulda

2006-03-06 15:12

This question from Ruby:

What do you mean by saying “In short, aside from those who should’ve known better, the older are generally wiser”? I have never seen “should’ve” before. Is it widely used in English-speaking countries?

It's in the dictionary - Look it up

2006-03-03 15:25

"Many times I'm faced with the same problem - I encounter a new phrase, know all the words in it individually but not when they are put together. I want to look it up in the dictionary, but do not know which word in the phrase to look up for.......

Good look at bad language, continued

2006-03-01 14:39

I'm not surprised that a discussion of the F-word is a favorite topic of you all, when you're in the right frame of mind.

Not to mention Hollywood movies

2006-02-27 15:20

"In the news, I've come across the phrase "expletive deleted" quite a few times recently. Example: '[expletives deleted], Jack, I know how to run my office.' It's from the conversation between a state governor in the United States and another public office holder. The Longman dictionary defines "expletive" as a rude word you use when you're angry or in pain, such as damn. I don't quite get it. Please explain."

I'm essentially asked to speak the unspeakable here, a tough task if not an altogether impossible one......

Yao's 'out of his mind' - T-Mac

2006-02-24 14:00

Yao Ming is hot. His game is on.

Happy folks are all in Iceland - what gives?

2006-02-22 15:26

A reader asks:

"In a poll of 18 nations, the Gallup Organization discovered that Icelanders are the happiest people alive. Eighty-two percent say they are satisfied with their personal lives. The United States ranked fifth at 72 percent; Japan came in seventh with 42 percent…"

Yao Ming plays fourth NBA All-Star Game

2006-02-20 15:26

Minutes ago, Yao Ming took part in his fourth All-Star Game. He ended up on the losing side as the All-Stars from Eastern Conference came back from 21 points down to beat the team from the West 122-120.This is, however, a good time to gauge Yao's growing popularity, in answer to a question from a Chinese basketball fan.

Figure-skating pair gives inspiring performance

2006-02-17 15:26

Zhang Dan and Zhang Hao claimed China's first-ever Olympic figure skating silver medal along with a gold for courage on Monday following a display of bravery seldom seen on an ice rink (Reuters, February 13, 2006).The "display of bravery" in this Reuters story refers to the heavy fall Dan suffered less than a minute into their program.

Highbrows, lowbrows and no-brows

2006-02-08 15:26

I was once asked by a young friend to translate for him the Chinese idiom "qu gao he gua" (曲高和寡)into English.

"Too highbrow to have many company", or "too highbrow to be popular" were answers I came up with.

From bill to billboard, geisha to wanted criminals

2006-02-06 15:25

As Trainer at chinadaily.com.cn, I get a lot of questions asked about the English language, especially on how to build one's vocabulary.

Yes, vocabulary. That's what people are worried about, "my vocabulary is not big enough" being a constant refrain.

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Raymond Zhou

周黎明,Raymond Zhou,中國日報資深專欄作家,用地道英語撰寫社會、娛樂等題材的評論文章。
















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