當(dāng)前位置: Language Tips> Columnist 專欄作家> Zhang Xin
Reader question: What's the difference between "chance" and "opportunity"?
Please account for the following sentence: "In early February, the SEC confirmed that it was investigating...
I graduated from the Chinese University of Hong Kong in 2005, and am currently applying for a Master Program in...
Lin writes: I am a businessman who works on foreign trade. I will attend the Canton Fair in April, but...
ZJ asks: What's the meaning of "night after night"? Is it the same as "day and night"?
Reader question: What is "necessary evil"? My comments: Evil but necessary is the short answer.
Zhou writes: I'm a loyal English language learner. I've never stopped learning even after graduation from college.
Reader question: What's the difference between envy and jealousy?
On Sunday, February 18, we will celebrate the Chinese New Year, the biggest feasting, well-wishing and...
In the news, the Economist carried a story (Bright SparksFebruary 8, 2007) on how to bring up gifted children...
How do I say "照片必須是原創(chuàng)且未經(jīng)修改"in English? I'm not sure if I can say "photos must be original and unedited"?
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