有時會聽到有人抱怨,說上司總是把他份內該做的事派給下屬去做,而自己卻在那里享清閑、得功勞。這樣很愛分派任務的家伙就叫做office quarterback。
Office quarterback refers to a manager that is infamously known for handing off their work and other useless assignments to you that they could and should be doing themselves.
Office quarterback(“辦公室四分衛(wèi)”或“四分衛(wèi)經理”)指在辦公室中常常將自己份內的工作或一些毫無意義的工作分派給下屬去做的經理,這樣的人一般都惡名遠揚。
In the sport of football, quarterback is an important player who gives instructions to other players. In this term, office quarterback is someone giving instructions to other workers in the office.
For example:
The office quarterback just handed off a bunch of her assignments to me, AGAIN!
(中國日報網英語點津 Helen 編輯)