誤譯:In his 30 years' charitable career, he has continuously taken donations to those people in difficulties.
正譯:In his 30 years' charitable career, he has continuously made donations to those people in difficulties.
解釋:to make a tour 與to take a tour 的意思相同。但是to make donations與to take donations的意思相反。前者的意思為“捐款”,是“給予”。而后者的意思為“接受捐款”,不是“給予”。
“慈善”的第一個意思是“對人關懷,富有同情心”??勺g為tender, benevolent, charitable, philanthropic。例如:
1. 她心地慈善,樂善好施。
She is tender-hearted/benevolent-minded, being glad to do good things for the people in need and give them alms.
2. 他是慈善心腸與商業(yè)頭腦的完美結合。
He is a perfect blend of a charitable/philanthropic heart and a business head.
“慈善”的第二個意思是“幫助窮人的精神、行為或事業(yè)”??勺g為charity, philanthropy。例如:
3. 由于中國愈加繁榮,中國人民愈加熱衷于志愿服務和慈善事業(yè)。
The Chinese people are keener on volunteer services and charity as China is becoming more prosperous.
4. 他的慈善行為受到網民們的贊揚,被全國主要報紙和網站刊載。
His charitable act was hailed by netizens and carried by major newspapers and Web sites across the country.
5. 任何一個普通人作為志愿者都可以參與慈善工作。
Any ordinary person can join in charity work as a volunteer.
6. 這個慈善機構旨在幫助窮人、病人和有困難的人。
The charitable institution is intended to help people who are poor, sick and in difficulties.
7. 這些地震災民從幾個慈善組織收到了捐款和衣服。
These earthquake victims received money and clothes from several philanthropic organizations.
(來源:原版英語 編輯:張若瓊)