還記得大一放假回家時媽媽看到你時的表情嗎?可能眼里有淚光,但還帶著些許安慰:孩子沒瘦,還胖了點,看來大學生活還不錯。估計很多人都會有這樣的經(jīng)歷吧,大一那一年似乎是體重增長相當瘋狂的一年,到底是心寬體胖,還是學校伙食太好,無從得知。而且,這是全世界的大一學生都會經(jīng)歷的一個過程,所以這個現(xiàn)象有個形象的英文名——freshman 15。
15 is said to be the number of pounds that many students gain in their first year of college; and freshman 15 is the often observed phenomenon of weight gain among first year college students.
據(jù)說,之所以會出現(xiàn)15這個數(shù)字是因為很多學生在大一這一年體重會增加15磅(約13斤);而freshman 15則指代學生上大一時體重增加這個現(xiàn)象。
Health educators at American universities say that the Freshman 15 have been on the scene as long as they have. It seems fairly common.
(中國日報網(wǎng)英語點津 Helen )