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  • China Pavilion at Expo Shanghai 2010

    "Better City, Better Life," Shanghai Expo so far is the biggest and the last longest international activity that has ever been held in China. About 250 countries and international organizations had attended the Expo, and within 184 days, it received more than 73 million visitors, creating a record in the history of the World Expo.

  • China Pavilion at Expo Yeosu 2012

    Located in the Pacific exhibition area of the Expo Park, the China Pavilion, covering 1,241 square meters, is the biggest foreign pavilion at the Yeosu Expo in South Korea.

  • China Pavilion at Expo Milano 2015

    The China Pavilion is in the center of Expo Milano 2015, on Lot N21, covering 4,590 square meters, the second largest foreign pavilion at the Expo.
