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Copyright law

Updated : 2015-06-09

Circumstances of fair use

According to Copyright Law, fair use may be applied under the following circumstances:

(1) For the purpose of private study, research or entertainment, to use a published work of another;

(2) For the purpose of introducing or commenting a work or demonstrating a point in one's work, appropriately to quote a published work of another;

(3) For the purpose of reporting current events, to use or quote, by newspaper, magazine, radio or television station, a published work;

(4) To reprint or rebroadcast, by newspaper, magazine or radio or television station, current events on politics, economy and religion already published by another newspaper, magazine or radio or television station, except where the author has declared that the reprint or rebroadcast is not allowed;

(5) To publish or broadcast, by newspaper, magazine or radio or television station, a speech delivered at a public gathering, except where the author has declared that the publication or broadcast is not allowed;

(6) For use by teachers or scientific researchers for teaching or scientific research, to translate or reproduce in a small quantity a published work, however, the translation or reproduction may not be published or distributed;

(7) For the purpose of performing official duties, to use a published work by state authorities within a reasonable limits;

(8) For the purposes of displaying or preserving copies, to reproduce a work in its collections by a library, archives center, memorial hall, museum, art gallery or similar institutions;

(9) To perform free of charge a published work, the said performance neither collects any fees from the members of the public nor pays compensation to the performer;

(10) To copy, draw, photograph or record an artistic work that is placed or displayed in an outdoor place;

(11) To translate a published work of a citizen, legal person or other organization from the language of the Han nationality into a minority nationality language for domestic publication and distribution; or

(12) To transliterate from a published work into Braille for publication.
