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Copyright law

Updated : 2015-06-09

Infringement of copyright

According to Copyright Law, the infringing acts of copyright include: (1) without the license of the copyright holder, to publish his work; (2) without the license of other joint authors, to publish their collective work as a work created solely by oneself; (3) when a person has not participate in the creation, to indicate his name on a work of another for seeking personal fame and interests; (4) to distort or mutilate a work of another; (5) To plagiarize a work of another (6) without the license of the copyright holder, to use his work by exhibition, film production or analogous method of film production or by adaptation, translation or annotation, unless this Law provided otherwise; (7) without due compensation, to use a work of another; (8) without the license of the copyright holder of a cinematographic work, a work created by virtue of the analogous method of film production, computer software, sound or visual recording product or the copyright-related holder, to lend a work or sound or visual recording product, unless this Law provided otherwise; (9) without the license of the publisher, to use the typographical arrangement of a book or magazine he published; (10) without the license of the performer, to broadcast on the site, to transmit in public, or to record, his performance; or (11) other acts of infringement of copyright and copyright-related rights.
