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Techno-Economic Research

Researching on major policies for the national long term developments of science and technology, technology innovation, technological advancement and technological equipments; analyzing the trends in the development of macro techno-economy; researching on the scientific and technological policy, investment policy and regional economic policy for the key construction projects.

The main research fields involve:

—Technological innovation, national innovation system; general technical policies; development of high-tech industries; development of new and high-tech development areas.

—Development of science and technology, institutional reform of science and technology system; technological policy; technology transfer; technical barriers.

—Intellectual property right, institution and policy; development strategy; IPR and economic development.

—Industrial development strategy and industrial organization, key industries such as nuclear power, petroleum and natural gas, aerospace, equipment manufacturing, information technology, bio-technology, oceaneering, raw and processed materials, textile, automobile and environmental protection, etc; policy for the localization of key technical equipment; anti-monopoly and regulation.

—Investment system, institutional reforms; regional investment environment; investment benefits; investment in infrastructures.

—Financing system, equity capital and debt capital financing for SMEs, high-tech enterprises and private firms; risk investment; institutional reforms.

—Engineering economics, economic assessment of the key national construction projects; cost and benefit analysis methodology.
