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Zhao Changwen


Zhao Changwen

ZHAO Changwen

Director General, Senior Fellow, Department of Industrial Economy, Development Research Center (DRC) of the State Council, P.R.China

Dr. Zhao currently serves as the Director General of the Department of Industrial Economy, Development Research Center of the State Council. He used to serve in the Enterprises Research Institute of DRC as the Director General and as the Professor and Vice President in Sichuan University since 1995.

Dr. Zhao got the Ph. D in Industrial Economics in 1995. He was the Fulbright Scholar in University of Michigan in Ann Arbor (2002-2003), Visiting Scholar in University of Oxford (1999), Chinese University of HongKong(2000),University of Cambridge (2011).His research interest covers Industrial Policy , Financial Reform, SOEs Reform and the Reform of Monopoly Industry .

Dr. Zhao has led the dozens of international Jointly research projects and major national research projects, participated the formulation and evaluation of a series of important reforms planning and policy , submitted dozens of important reports to the party and state leaders .He has published extensively in his academic field of interest as follows: The Chinese Economy after WTO Accession ,2006; Si-Tech finance, 2009; Financial Solution to Start-ups, 2011; Transformation and Upgrading on China’s Enterprises, 2013; The Internationalization of Chinese Enterprises and Its Application for Global Competitiveness, 2013; Analysis on Access Capacity in China, 2014; Deeping the Reform of Large SOEs in the New Period, 2014; From Extraction to Inclusion: the Fundamentals of Financial Reform, 2015;On China’s Industry Policy in the new period ,2016.

Resume-Zhao Changwen
