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  • Italian opera concert staged at Shanxi University

    Updated : 2019-10-28

    A rousing concert of classical Italian songs hit all the right notes when it was held at a concert hall in Shanxi University in Taiyuan, capital of North China’s Shanxi province, on Oct 26.

  • Kyonggi University officials pay visit to Shanxi University

    Updated : 2019-10-25

    A delegation led by Kim Rengui, principal of South Korea’s Kyonggi University, paid a visit to Shanxi University on Oct 22.

  • Czech Republic former minister visits SXU

    Updated : 2019-10-24

    A delegation led by Bohuslav Sobotka, former Prime Minister of the Czech Republic, paid a visit to Shanxi University (SXU) on Oct 21.

  • Student Yang Chang wins bronze medal in Military Games

    Updated : 2019-10-22

    Yang Chang, an undergraduate majoring in sports training at Shanxi University, won the bronze medal in the women’s 400m individual medley at the 7th Military World Games on Oct 19.

  • SXU doctoral dissertation receives national excellence award

    Updated : 2019-10-22

    The 18th China National Conference on Computational Linguistics was held in Kunming, Southwest China’s Yunnan province, on Oct 19 –– when the Chinese Information Processing Society of China conferred its annual excellent doctoral dissertation awards.

  • SXU wins two silver awards at national innovation contest

    Updated : 2019-10-22

    Two projects from Shanxi University won silver awards at the national finals of the 5th China College Students’ “Internet Plus” Innovation and Entrepreneurship Competition – held at Zhejiang University in Hangzhou, in East China’s Zhejiang province on Oct 12-15.

  • SXU signs cooperation agreement with St. John's University

    Updated : 2019-10-22

    Zhou Xiaoji, vice president of Shanxi University, on behalf of SXU signed a cooperation agreement on Oct 17 with a delegation from St. John's University, located in New York in the United States.

  • Confucius Institutes

    The Confucius Institutes are set up worldwide by the Chinese Language Council International to promote Chinese language and culture.

  • Enrollment of Foreign Students in Shanxi University

    Join us and explore our wide range of study programs and enjoy a first class educational experience that makes you a part of a lively global community.

Dongshan campus of Shanxi University opens
