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  • Confucius Institute founded at UNC Charlotte

    Updated : 2017-04-07

    The Confucius Institute at the University of North Carolina in Charlotte (UNC Charlotte) opened on March 29.

  • SXU defends its CUBA regional title

    Updated : 2017-04-07

    Shanxi University's men's basketball team successfully defended its champions title in the Northwest Division of the Chinese University Basketball Association (CUBA) on March 31, beating Xi'an Jiaotong University 77-55.

  • Environmental expert lectures on pollution control at SXU

    Updated : 2017-04-06

    Professor Xing Deshan from Guodian Science and Technology Research Institute delivered a lecture on controlling pollution from thermal power plants at Shanxi University on March 31.

  • CAS scholar visits SXU

    Updated : 2017-04-05

    Doctor Zhang Xiangping from the Process Engineering Institute of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (CAS) gave a lecture on the cleaning technique of ionic liquid at Shanxi University (SXU) on March 31.

  • SXU project wins national funding

    Updated : 2017-04-05

    Shanxi University's scientific research on the emergence of contemporary quantum theory and the new philosophy of science has been included on a national list of 242 major social science study programs in 2016.

  • CCCC comes to SXU

    Updated : 2017-03-31

    The Shanxi leg of the China Collegiate Computer Contest (CCCC) was launched in the School of Software at Shanxi University on March 25.

  • Inner Mongolia university delegation investigate labs at SXU

    Updated : 2017-03-30

    A delegation from Inner Mongolia University came to Shanxi University (SXU) on March 24 to investigate key laboratories.

  • Confucius Institutes

    The Confucius Institutes are set up worldwide by the Chinese Language Council International to promote Chinese language and culture.

  • Enrollment of Foreign Students in Shanxi University

    Join us and explore our wide range of study programs and enjoy a first class educational experience that makes you a part of a lively global community.

Dongshan campus of Shanxi University opens
