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China is committed to path of peaceful development

(China Daily) Updated: 2011-09-16 08:01

Second, China's path of peaceful development is not something conjured up by a few individuals in their study. Rather, we have found this path in the course of the more than 60 years since the founding of the People's Republic of China, especially in the course of the great experiment of reform and opening-up. The last 30 years and more of reform and opening-up in China has been a process of tireless pursuit for a new path of modernization and peaceful development. In this process, China has made notable progress in development and brought enormous benefits to the world. This has served both the interests of the Chinese people and the common interests of mankind. This path of peaceful development, as explained in the White Paper, is a scientific summary and further development of the great historical exploration made and practical experience gained by the Chinese people under the leadership of the CPC. Peaceful development is a path tested by practice. It benefits not only the people of China but also the people of the world. There is no reason for the Chinese people not to stick to this path and build on it for even greater progress.

China is committed to path of peaceful development

Third, China's declaration of commitment to peaceful development is not an act of expediency to bide its time. Rather, it is a sincere and conscientious long-term strategic choice based on China's basic national conditions. China has a large population and a weak economic foundation; it is large in economic aggregate but small in per capita measurements; there is a lack of balance and coordination in development: this is the inescapable reality that China faces as the world's largest developing country. The Chinese nation is proud of the achievements made in development in the last few decades. At the same time, we must have a sober mind: China's overall national strength still lags far behind that of developed countries. China's comprehensive modernization involves one-fifth of the human race. It will be a long and arduous task for every Chinese to lead a prosperous life. To do that, we need to focus our energy on economic development. We need to make vigorous efforts to enhance people's well-being and resolve problems in development that are rarely seen in human history. We need to create an external and internal environment of long-term peace and stability, and forge enduring friendships with all countries of the world. Even when China becomes stronger in the future, peace will remain the essential precondition and guarantee of China's development. China cannot and will not deviate from the path of peaceful development.

Fourth, China's declaration of peaceful development is not an attempt to deceive foreigners. Peaceful development is a carefully considered choice based on calm analysis and sound judgment of the current situation in the world. It is in keeping with the development trend of the times. To pursue peaceful development is China's own will. We now live in the 21st century when the world is moving toward multipolarity and economic globalization and development of information technology is gaining momentum. Development of the world, once fragmented, is now interconnected as a whole. The world of nations is no longer a "jungle world" but a "global village". Countries of different systems and cultures and at various development stages are increasingly interdependent with their interests more closely integrated. This has turned the world into a community of common destiny and brought its members together more closely than ever before. Global challenges have become major threats to human survival and sustainable economic and social development. They include terrorism, the spread of weapons of mass destruction, natural disasters, climate change, environment-damaging accidents, public health incidents, financial crises, security of energy, resources, food and water, and the list is growing. In the face of increasing global issues and common challenges, the international community must reject the zero-sum game, which has grown out of date, as well as the dangerous cold-war and hot-war mentality and all those beaten tracks that have repeatedly led mankind to confrontation and war. The international community must share weal and woe and make concerted efforts in response to challenges so as to realize sustainable and inclusive development of all countries and the world as a whole. No other choice is available or workable. China will never act against the trend of the times, nor will it seek hegemony or follow the traditional pattern where a rising power was bound to seek hegemony, for so doing harms China itself as well as others and ultimately will lead to nowhere. China is happy to see both developing and developed countries prosper so that a new chapter of development and progress will be written in human history.

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