Opinion / OP Rana

Op Rana

Op Rana is a senior editor with China Daily’s opinion department. He has a particular focus on international politics and environmental protection.

All hopes rest on Katowice to deliver on climate pledge

[2017-11-23 09:48]

Climate organizations, NGOs and environmentalists have already been criticizing the slow progress made by the rich countries, and, as things stand today, the rich economies will not have contributed $100 billion to the fund by 2020.

Sports and drugs made for each other?

[2016-08-22 08:23]

'It breaks my heart and I wish somebody would do something about it," said golden boy Michael Phelps almost two weeks ago. He was referring to the use of drugs, performance-enhancing drugs, in sports.

Add war to the effects of climate change

[2016-08-10 08:26]

Thanks to the sluggish global economy, rising terrorist attacks and the refugee crisis in Europe, the world has all but forgotten about the effects of climate change.

It's a shame that cities are forcing the poor to leave

[2016-08-04 08:17]

Parallel economy is much derided term, for it denotes the part of economy run on black money or ill-begotten wealth.

Inquiry into Iraq war hides more than it reveals

[2016-07-23 09:23]

As soon as the Chilcot report was published Blair blurted: "I do not believe (the overthrow of Saddam Hussein) is the cause of terrorism we see today in the Middle East or elsewhere in the world". As if the IS group emerged out of thin air.

The tiger's walk into the sunset continues

[2016-05-03 08:15]

The number of tigers across the globe (read Asia) is on the rise for the first time in a century. Tigers in the wild, according to the most recent data, number about 3,890, up from an estimated 3,200 in 2010.

Fighting terror a fight to save civilization

[2016-03-24 07:43]

No security is secure enough to stop people from blowing themselves up in the name of religion, albeit driven by the blatantly wrong interpretation of faith.

Refugees the result of mission 'democracy'

[2016-03-19 09:47]

Peace and democracy are just a ruse. Refuges, indeed humanity, can go to ...

Where on God's green Earth does Paris fit?

[2015-12-26 09:19]

This pretty much sums up the rich countries', especially the US', pledge to fight climate change, including contributing their share to the GCF.

Paris a test of world leaders' resolve

[2015-12-03 08:28]

Climate change is no different from terrorism. We have allowed it to gather strength for much too long. It is already spreading terror across the world, especially among the poor who have contributed the least or nothing to its strength.

His name was Aylan, or humanity washed ashore

[2015-09-05 09:57]

He was a Syrian refugee, just three years old. His body, face down, was found on the beach of Bodrum, a resort city in Turkey.

His name was Aylan, or humanity washed ashore

[2015-09-04 14:12]

People from the Middle East and northern parts of Africa might not have shamed the Europe had the West, under the able leadership of US, not embarked on the noble mission of spreading democracy in uncivilized, despotic lands.

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