Opinion / OP Rana

Op Rana

Op Rana is a senior editor with China Daily’s opinion department. He has a particular focus on international politics and environmental protection.

Terrorism has a new name: cowardice

[2014-12-23 08:16]

Children, innocent souls too young to fathom the wicked ways of the world, have become easy targets of religious extremists across the world.

Fractured Lima deal to save the planet

[2014-12-15 08:01]

The future of the world, going by changes in climate and weather, and conferences like the one at Lima, is indeed in peril.

Oh, when will they ever learn?

[2014-12-06 09:12]

The annual ritual of UN climate change conference is on in the Peruvian capital of Lima in a year which is almost certainly going to be the hottest on record.

Will India follow China, US to cut emissions?

[2014-12-04 07:38]

India is a signatory to the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change. But will India take the responsibility?

We've no choice but to clean up our act

[2014-11-18 10:44]

The G20 have taken a step back from that unscientific stance by agreeing to mobilize "finance for adaptation (to) and mitigation" of climate change.

Will Obama take a step forward at G20?

[2014-11-15 08:48]

Despite knowing full well he will face stiff opposition from a Republican-dominated Congress to cut US emissions by 26 to 28 percent from 2005 levels by 2025, Obama went ahead with the deal.

It's climate change, stupid

[2014-09-27 09:01]

The world will be a cleaner and greener place if developed countries such as the US help developing nations cut carbon dioxide emissions.

More bitter truths about climate change

[2014-09-20 08:05]

The word "risk" has been used 351 times in the 127-page final draft of the synthesis report that the UN Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change sent to governments across the world last month.

Probe into MH17 lost in US-created chaos

[2014-08-19 06:52]

The investigation into the Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 crash hasn't reached anywhere, at least officially, even a month after it blew up into pieces.

Please, stop for the sake of children

[2014-08-04 07:29]

Why should the world be bothered about 1,600 Palestinians killed in Gaza in the Israeli offensive against Hamas since July 8?

Cauldron of war boiling over in Iraq

[2014-07-01 07:40]

Iraq is on the verge of collapsing and foreign military intervention (this time invited) seems inevitable.

The Cup brimmeth over in Brazil

[2014-06-21 09:19]

The World Cup, in its first week, has already produced enough shocks and surprises, heartbreaks and euphoria, upsets and linear scripts.

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