Opinion / Op-Ed Contributors

The great malaise drags on

By Joseph E. Stiglitz (China Daily) Updated: 2013-12-30 07:15

There's something dismal about writing year-end roundups in the half decade since the eruption of the 2008 global financial crisis. Yes, we avoided a Great Depression II, but only to emerge into a "great malaise", with barely increasing incomes for a large proportion of citizens in advanced economies. We can expect more of the same in 2014.

In the United States, median incomes have continued their seemingly relentless decline; for male workers, income has fallen to levels below those attained more than 40 years ago. Europe's double-dip recession ended in 2013, but no one can responsibly claim that recovery has followed. More than 50 percent of young people in Spain and Greece remain unemployed. According to the International Monetary Fund, Spain can expect unemployment to be above 25 percent for years to come.

The real danger for Europe is that a sense of complacency may set in. As the year passed, one could feel the pace of vital institutional reforms in the eurozone slowing. For example, the monetary union needs a real banking union - including not just common supervision, but also common deposit insurance and a common resolution mechanism - and Eurobonds, or some similar vehicle for mutualizing debt. The eurozone is not much closer to implementing either measure than it was a year ago.

One could also sense a renewed commitment to the austerity policies that incited Europe's double-dip recession. Europe's continuing stagnation is bad enough; but there is still a significant risk of another crisis in yet another eurozone country, if not next year, in the not-too-distant future.

Matters are only slightly better in the US, where a growing economic divide - with more inequality than in any other advanced country - has been accompanied by severe political polarization. One can only hope that the lunatics in the Republican Party who forced a government shutdown and pushed the country to the brink of default will decide against a repeat performance.

But even if they do, the likely contraction from the next round of austerity - which already cost 1-2 percentage points of GDP growth in 2013 - means that growth will remain anemic, barely strong enough to generate jobs for new entrants into the labor force. A dynamic tax-avoiding Silicon Valley and a thriving hydrocarbon sector are not enough to offset austerity's weight.

Thus, while there may be some reduction of the Federal Reserve's purchases of long-term assets (so-called quantitative easing, or QE), a move away from rock-bottom interest rates is not expected until 2015 at the earliest.

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