Opinion / From the Press

HK must be governed by patriots

(China Daily) Updated: 2014-07-15 08:27

The central government remains committed to the "One Country, Two Systems" policy as far as Hong Kong is concerned - which it has reiterated in a recent white paper - because it guarantees the Special Administration Region's prosperity and stability in the long term, says an editorial in People's Daily. Excerpts:

The central government's recent reiteration that Hong Kong should be governed by patriotic Hong Kong residents is meant to promote the policy of "One Country, Two Systems" and "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong". The policy, contrary to what some people allege, is not aimed at interfering in the affairs of the SAR.

Since the "One Country, Two Systems" policy was implemented the central government has always supported the concept of "Hong Kong people governing Hong Kong". But, at the same time, the central government has also made it clear that the Hong Kong SAR should be governed by its patriotic residents.

"Patriots", as described by Deng Xiaoping, the architect of China's reform and opening-up, are people who respect their nation, fully endorse its exercise of sovereignty over Hong Kong and do not intend to destabilize the SAR or derail its prosperous economic march. This shows that there is no contradiction between "loving the Chinese nation" and "loving Hong Kong".

Hong Kong indeed should be governed by patriotic people. And it is not impertinent to reiterate that even 17 years after Hong Kong's reunification with the motherland, especially because some Hong Kong residents seem to have misread (rather they are distorting) the central government's policy statements on some issues following the publication of the white paper.

The Basic Law of Hong Kong specifically describes people who are qualified to govern the SAR. The posts of its chief executive, lawmakers, chief justice and major officials should be held by permanent Hong Kong residents who do not have the right of residence in other countries.

The concern that some people have expressed over the central government's condition that Hong Kong's judges should love the Chinese nation is also uncalled for, because judges across the world have to be loyal to the country they serve.

The opinions expressed on this page do not necessarily reflect those of China Daily.

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