Opinion / Li Xing

Heroes need a voice

[2008-01-10 07:17]

A year has ended and a new one is beginning, it is time to select whatever or whoever is the best, or the most popular. On Monday, announced that netizens at one of its forums came up with a list of 10 xiao renwu - nobodies - or "small potatoes", who have moved many people with filial love, altruism, honesty and professional devotion.

Healthcare plans need vital support

[2008-01-03 07:25]

News abounds about new schemes concerning public health as the new year begins.

Salutations of old have disappeared

[2007-12-27 07:21]

Going shopping is almost routine for many during the holiday season. But a shopping trip may turn sour for some of us middle-aged only because attendants address us wrongly.

The gift of warmth for students

[2007-12-20 07:24]

Among the candidates for the most popular Chinese of the year on the Internet is Mao Lihui, a primary school teacher at a small mountain village in Zhaotong city, Yunnan Province.

New traffic blueprint encouraging

[2007-12-13 07:42]

When Subway Line 5 opened on October 7, my family took a ride downtown happily.

Apply the brakes on gas-guzzlers

[2007-12-06 06:47]

The automobile market has remained robust despite continuous oil price hikes and talk about a new petroleum tax since early this year.

Shift focus on South China tiger

[2007-11-29 07:22]

Most people believed the controversy over the genuineness of the photograph of a South China tiger had been settled early this month when the State Forestry Administration spokesman Cao Qingyao announced that his administration would gather specialists together to conduct a field research in Zhenping County, Northwest China's Shaanxi Province.

Lighten the burden on poor kids

[2007-11-22 07:12]

A recent survey shows that average Chinese children sleep about an hour less than their American counterparts. Researchers attribute this to the heavier academic burden placed on Chinese children.

Gender inequality still rife

[2007-11-15 07:11]

There has not been much introspection worldwide over the 2007 Global Gender Gap Report, released last week by the independent World Economic Forum, as far as a browse of the Internet reveals.

Saying goodbye to the shivers

[2007-11-08 07:12]

Winter arrived in North China earlier this year than in previous years. As a result, many Beijingers - myself included - are shivering in their offices and homes.

Toilets take on a new meaning

[2007-11-01 07:21]

I still remember visiting my father's home village in Central China's Hubei Province when I was seven years old. The place I shuddered going to most was the toilet. It was in a shed built of straw. It consisted of nothing but a hole in the ground. There was no flush water. Drawn by the stink, flies were always hovering around.

Please leave the crimson leaves alone

[2007-10-25 07:14]

The cold front that swept through Beijing last Thursday turned the Fragrant Hills in the western part of Beijing into the splendid fall colors of yellow, orange and crimson.

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