Opinion / Li Xing

Scenes from another time of flu

[2009-04-30 07:45]

These scenes come to us from San Luis Potosi and other parts of Mexico, where a new strain of influenza has killed at least 150 people. The so-called swine flu has already spread across North America, and may have reached as far as Spain and New Zealand.

Protecting our planet for posterity

[2009-04-23 07:46]

A group of ecologists invited me and my husband to join them and their families for a barbecue on Saturday in a hilly hamlet called Chapeng, about 80 kilometers from our home near the Bird's Nest in Beijing.

Urban-rural gap needs to be bridged

[2009-04-16 07:40]

By 2040, China's population will hover around 1.5 billion and will be divided into three groups: 500 million urban dwellers, 500 million rural residents, and 500 million migrants, the Xinhua News Agency reported on Tuesday.

Keep cigarette butts off the streets

[2009-04-09 07:40]

London/Paris: People in China always suspect something is going on when a large crowd gathers.

Lack of skilled workers makes life hot & cold

[2009-04-02 07:48]

The G-20 summit has given me and some of my colleagues a chance to visit the United Kingdom for the first time.

Growth is good but it must be green

[2009-03-26 07:46]

With the onslaught of the financial crisis last October, politicians and economists immediately began to blame Americans for consuming too much and Chinese for saving too much. Whoever is at fault, China has quickly learned that it can no longer depend on growing exports to drive its economy.

New 'info ecosystem' a denuded place

[2009-03-19 07:22]

For months, there has been nothing but bad news about the troubled print media in the United States. Still, I was shocked to hear that The Seattle Post-Intelligencer stopped printing on Tuesday and now exists only online.

Preschooling also key to nation's future

[2009-03-12 07:45]

Now more than ever, Chinese families are pre-occupied with education. As I listen to my young colleagues talking during lunch hour, the problems seem endless.

Save paper, forests and Mother Earth

[2009-03-05 07:49]

When members of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) registered for their current session on Sunday, they expected to be handed a hefty pile of documents.

Human rights absent in relic ransacking

[2009-02-26 07:45]

Western media ascribe China's outcry against the auction in Paris of two Qing Dynasty animal heads to "nationalist sentiment", as if any other nation had a legitimate interest in these relics.

Rural teachers' big dream of a small bridge

[2009-02-05 07:50]

We Chinese like to call attention to auspicious signs during the celebration of the lunar new year.

Conviction in Sanlu case just a start

[2009-01-22 07:45]

Accompanied by a crescendo of firecrackers, the People's Court in Shijiazhuang, Hebei province, is expected to pass down "guilty" verdicts on the chief suspects in the tainted milk scandal before the end of this week.

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