home   >>  Hongqiao Airport

Tourism, Car Rentals, Hotels

Provides tourism consultation, hotel reservation, car rental and other services

Location: central area of Floor 1 on the Arrival Hall

Service hours: depends on the time of flights

Service Hotline:

+86(21)53965000(Central Hotel Shanghai)

+86(21)62376000 (Marriott Shanghai Hongqiao)

+86(21)62687788 (Argyle International Airport Hotel Hongqiao)

+86(21)62688866 (Shanghai International Airport Hotel)

+86(21)13761873978 (Shanghai Shengqin Car Services Company

+86(21)4006640066 (Shanghai Branch, Mango City)

+86(21)22341147 (Shanghai Airport Tourism Services Limited)

+86(21)4006161616 (Shanghai Branch of Beijing eLong Air Service)
