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Security Check


1. Provisions of the Civil Aviation Administration of China

2. Tips to quickly pass the security check

3. What do liquid articles refer to?

4. Issues concerning bringing liquid articles on domestic flights

5. How can I smoke when there are neither lighters nor matches available while waiting for a flight?

6. How can passengers carry on electronic devices with a lithium battery?

7. Dangerous goods 8. Regulations on certificates for flight

1. Provisions of the Civil Aviation Administration of China

A. Provisions of Items Prohibited in Both Carry-On and Checked Baggage The items below are prohibited in both carry-on baggage and checked baggage:

(1) Guns, mechanical appliances for military or police use (including main parts and components) and their imitations

(2) Explosive objects such as ammunition, fireworks, blasting equipment and their imitations

(3) Controlled knives

(4) Flammable and explosive items, such as matches, lighters (gas), alcohol, paint, gasoline, kerosene, benzene, rosin oil, tobacco cake, etc.

(5) Corrosive substances, such as hydrochloric acid, sulfuric acid, nitric acid, liquid storage batteries, etc.

(6) Toxic or harmful products, such as cyanide, toxic pesticides, etc.

(7) Radioactive substances, such as radioactive isotopes, etc.

(8) Other objects harmful to aviation safety, such as ferromagnetic objects, which may disturb aircraft instrumentation, and objects with strong pungent odors.

B. Provisions of Items Prohibited in Carry-On Baggage but Permitted in Checked Baggage The items below are prohibited in carry-on baggage but permitted in checked baggage on domestic flights:

(1) Kitchen knives, clippers, big fruit knives, razors and other knives for daily use

(2) Professional knives, including surgical knives, sticking knives, gravers, etc.

(3) Knives, spears, swords, and other similar items used for performances

(4) Sports goods harmful to aviation safety or personal security, such as aggravated canes, canes with sharp nails, alpenstocks, baseball bats, etc.

(5) Axes, chisels, hammers, awls, spanners and other objects harmful to aviation safety or personal security

(6) Liquid items which exceed type or amount limitations for carry-on baggage

C. Provisions of Liquid Items

a. International & Regional Flights Provisions of the Civil Aviation Administration of China

(1) The volume of each container of liquid items carried by passengers on international and regional flights departing from domestic airports should not exceed 100 milliliters. If the volume of the container exceeds 100 ml, regardless of whether the container is full or not, it must be checked. Containers of liquid items should be packed in a transparent plastic bag that can be re-sealed. The volume of the bag should be no more than 1 liter. Each passenger can carry only one bag on one flight. Bags that exceed the limitations should be checked. For transparent plastic bags with liquid items, security checks should be done separately.

(2) Goods purchased on the flights or in duty-free shops at the airport should be packed in sealed transparent plastic bags. The bags should not be opened by the passengers. Shopping receipts must be kept for inspection.

(3) A certain amount of liquid dairy products for passengers with babies and essential liquid medicine for diabetic patients or other patients can be carried along with the passengers after security check.

(4) Passengers violating the above provisions are responsible for all consequences.

b. Domestic Flights Provisions of the Civil Aviation Administration of China

(1) Passengers on domestic flights are not allowed to carry on liquids, but liquids may be carried in checked luggage in accordance with relevant packaging provisions.

(2) Passengers may carry a small amount of cosmetics for personal use on the journey. Only one container of each category can be carried with the passengers. The volume should not exceed 100 ml. The containers should be packed separately and go through open-bottle inspections.

(3) Passengers transferring from international flights are allowed to carry duty-free liquid items with receipts that are packed in sealed transparent plastic bags and must go through security checks.

(4) Passengers with babies can apply for free liquid dairy products provided by airline companies when buying tickets. Essential liquid medicines for diabetic patients or other patients can be kept by aircrew after security check.

(5) Passengers violating the above provisions are responsible for all consequences.

D. Relevant regulations on lighters and matches It is forbidden for passengers (including international flights/regional flights, domestic flights) to carry any lighter or match, either in carry-on or check-in baggage.

E. Regulations on carrying lithium batteries on flights: It is prescribed by the CAAC that:

(1) Lithium batteries can only be taken onto planes as carry-on rather than checked baggage.

(2) Passengers can carry electronic products that incorporate lithium/lithium-ion battery cells or batteries. Such devices must be intended only for private use (such as watches, calculators, mobile phones, laptop computers and portable video cameras).

(3) Lithium batteries must be protected from short circuit and can only be taken as carry-on baggage. Each passenger can carry two standby batteries at most.

2. Tips to quickly pass the security check

(1) Please never carry any forbidden things with you

(2) Please put the knives for daily use in checked baggage or do not carry them

(3) Please do not take beverages and other liquid articles, matches, lighters and other restricted articles

(4) Please try to keep things in check-in baggage

(5) Before entering security inspection, please get your valid boarding certificates ready

(6) If there are still any questions, please call the Hongqiao Airport Inquiry Hotline at 021-96990

3. What do liquid articles refer to? Liquid articles refer to liquids, gels, sprays (aerosol), etc., including:

(1) Common drinks, e.g. mineral water, beverages, soup and syrup;

(2) Sauced food or sauces, e.g. canned fruit;

(3) Common cosmetics, e.g. cream, skin moisturizer, protective cream, perfume and similar cosmetics;

(4) Sprays and contents in aerosol containers, e.g. shaving foam, body spray and mousse;

(5) Creams, e.g. toothpaste and facial cleanser;

(6) Gels, e.g. hair and bath products;

(7) Any solution or article with a similar consistency, e.g. contact lens solution, nourishing oral liquids, etc.

4. Issues concerning bringing liquid articles on domestic flights

(1) Only a small amount of cosmetics (shampoo and body shampoo excluded) intended for personal travel use, one bottle of each variety, are allowed to be carried onto the plane. The volume of each container must be limited to 100 ml. All should be placed in an independent bag and will be opened/unsealed for inspection. Pay attention to the following items when you prepare for your trip: -If the cosmetics are not to be used during the flight, please put them in check-in baggage -If a cosmetic container is larger than 100 ml, please change it into one smaller than 100 ml, or put it in your check-in baggage -In case the cosmetic is intended as a gift and not to be unsealed, please put it in check-in baggage because all carry-on cosmetics must be opened for inspection -Alcoholic drinks are prohibited to be taken as carry-on and must be put in check-in baggage

(2) If you have a baby, please report it to the airline company when you are buying tickets. The company will offer liquid dairy products for free. As liquid dairy products are prohibited for carry-on, please put them in check-in baggage, or dispose of them yourself before entering security inspection.

(3) Diabetes sufferers or other patients may carry necessary liquid products with them, such as liquid medicine and liquid sugar-free food, but only in dosages sufficient for use during the flight. A certificate provided by either a hospital or a doctor is required in such a case.

(4) Passengers who are transferring from international to domestic flights, and are carrying duty-free liquid articles bought abroad, should put the liquid within a sealed, unimpaired, transparent bag, and be prepared to show the shopping voucher. If the bag holding the sealed liquid article is impaired, or no shopping voucher is available, you will not be allowed to board domestic flights unless the volume and category of your liquid article complies with relevant regulations for domestic flights.

(5) Passengers with any liquid articles outside the above cases that are indefinable should put them in check-in baggage.

5. How can I smoke when there are neither lighters nor matches available while waiting for a flight?

We have a smoking room at the Departure Sterile Area of Capital Airport where free lighters are available. Please do not worry about smoking and remove your lighters and matches before entering security inspection. It will impede your journey if you violate relevant regulations by trying to bring lighters or matches into the Departure Sterile Area.

6. How can passengers carry on electronic devices with a lithium battery?

According to the safety requirements for all passenger property, please comply with regulations concerning the carrying of lithium electronic devices and lithium batteries, since lithium batteries, if improperly used, may cause a flight accident. Pay attention to the following issues:

(1) Please put electronic devices (such as digital cameras, video cameras, intercoms and electric shavers) in carry-on baggage and not in check-in baggage.

(2) Please install the battery into the electronic device. Please prevent such devices from switching on accidentally during the flight.

(3) If any standby battery is carried, please keep every single standby battery from being shorted, for example, by using rubberized fabric to cover the exposed electrode, or by packing every single battery into an independent plastic bag or special protective bag.

7. Dangerous items

Provisions of Items Prohibited in Both Carry-On and Checked Baggage

Security Check

Provisions of Items Prohibited in Carry-On Baggage but Permitted in Checked Baggage
Security Check
Provisions of Items Prohibited in Carry-On Baggage but Permitted in Checked Baggage

Security Check

Items Suggested to be Kept in Checked Baggage

Security Check

Provisions of Items Prohibited in Both Carry-On and Checked Baggage

Security Check

8. Regulations on certificates for flight

Valid certificates include ID cards of Chinese passengers; temporary ID cards; military documents; travel documents for Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan residents; passports; travel permits; and diplomat permits for foreign visitors. Also valid are student cards, household registers, or proof of identification issued by local public security authorities for passengers under the age of 16. For those passengers with lost ID cards, they can apply for temporary resident ID cards. Driver’s licenses and social security cards are not valid documents for flight.

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