Hu meets President Obama [2009-11-17 12:42]
This is Obama' s first state visit to China since he assumed presidency in January.
Air force show held for anniversary [2009-11-16 09:01]
Air force dazzles leaders and representatives at present in the founding show.
China Daily Video News November 13, 2009 [2009-11-13 17:23]
A man in Guangzhou has made a violin which is 1cm long.
Welcome to China, President Obama [2009-11-13 16:20]
China Daily reporters gauged what people in Beijing thought about President Barack Obama and his agenda.
Views from Central Park, New York [2009-11-12 14:36]
What should be the key issues on Obama's agenda of his visit to China?
Clearing the way for peace [2009-11-10 14:51]
The batch, is the first to include personnel from Iraq and Afghanistan.
China Daily Video News November 6, 2009 [2009-11-06 16:19]
In memory of Chinese rocket scientist Qian Xuesen.
Bikes more popular in Copenhagen [2009-11-06 13:59]
The city already has 350 km of bicycle trails and encourages cycling.
Facing up to the post-crisis challenges [2009-11-05 10:58]
What's China's new engine to further economic boom?
第五屆北京-東京論壇閉幕 [2009-11-03 16:23]


