China Daily Video News Sept 12 [2008-09-12 19:56]
Chinadaily videonews August 29 [2008-08-29 19:34]
Beijing walks from 2008 to the future [2008-08-24 00:48]
China Daily Video News August 8 2008 [2008-08-08 19:01]
Week in review August 1 [2008-08-01 16:53]
Mother Nature played havoc in California this week with two disasters striking both ends of the state. A magnitude 5.4 earthquake rattled Southern California on Tuesday rocking buildings and homes across the region as far as Las Vegas.
Food Standards Set [2008-08-01 09:39]
Midweek Round-Up July 30 [2008-07-30 20:46]
Midweek Round-up July 23 [2008-07-23 19:00]
After 11 years on the run, former Serbian president Radovan Karadzic was arrested on Monday in Belgrade.
Week in Review 18 July 2008 [2008-07-18 18:13]
A Spanish court has cleared four of the 21 people charged with the deadly Madrid train bombings of 2004.
Midweek Round-up July 16 [2008-07-16 19:16]
Two remote islets in the Sea of Japan have ignited unresolved issues between Japan and South Korea.


