BRICS advocate cooperative approach, peaceful solution to hot issues
Updated: 2014-07-16 09:43
Comments Print Mail Large Medium SmallFORTALEZA - The emerging-market bloc of BRICS on Tuesday advocated cooperative approach and peaceful solution to global hot issues.
The BIRCS are committed to establishing a post-Bali work program for concluding the ongoing Doha Round, so as to build an "open, inclusive, non-discriminatory, transparent and rule-based multilateral trading system," according to the Fortaleza Declaration released following their sixth summit in this Brazilian city.
The five countries said they will facilitate cooperation on combating cyber-crimes and negotiate to build "a universal legally binding instrument in the field."
"It is necessary to preserve ICTs, particularly the Internet, as an instrument of peace and development and to prevent its use as a weapon," the document said.
The BRICS also called on a conclusion of global climate change negotiations for a legally binding agreement in accordance with the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change, especially the "common but differentiated responsibilities and respective capabilities."
In terms of outer space Code of Conduct, the five countries said they are open to "an inclusive and consensus-based multilateral negotiation," adding the exploration and uses of outer space shall be for peaceful purposes so as to prevent an arms race.
According to the declaration, the five countries expressed deep concern about the Syrian crisis, calling for "no military solution" "complete ceasefire" and "unimpeded access for humanitarian organizations."
The BRICS also voiced deep concern with the Ukrainian crisis, saying a comprehensive dialogue, the de-escalation of the conflict and restraint from all parties are needed to find a peaceful settlement.
The bloc said it supports the United Nations to organize commemorative events to mark the 70th anniversary of World War II in 2015, stressing the importance to secure "a just and fair international order based on the UN Charter."
The declaration also conveyed the stances of the BRICS members on issues of Iraq and Somali, among others.
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