Castro brothers' China complex

2014-07-23 11:13

Castro brothers' China complex

Xi’s love of sports could fill a wardrobe

2014-07-22 16:42

China's President Xi Jinping received a No 10 jersey, the number worn by Argentinean soccer superstar Lionel Messi, during his visit to the home of the World Cup runner-up. Xi never hides his love of sports and receives many jerseys from around the world.

A bite of diplomacy

2014-07-17 17:43

Latin American cities hosting visits by President Xi

2014-07-16 15:39

Following President Xi's visit to Latin America,let's take a look at the views of these cities.

Chinese leaders' visits to Latin America

2014-07-15 09:45

This is Chinese President Xi Jinping's second Latin America tour since taking office last March. During the trip, Xi will attend the sixth BRICS summit in Brazil.

Soccer clubs go to China, Brazil style

2014-07-07 09:33

A team of 20 Brazilian players embarked on a trip of helping players, coaches and supporters in China better understand the Latin American country's club system of developing soccer players.

Brazil can teach China about vocational training

2014-06-30 05:00

China can learn from Brazil's experience in vocational education to increase the employment rate among new graduates, said Qiao Jianzhen, the winner of Brazil's 2014 medal of labor.

Chinese fans swamp homeland restaurants in Brazil

2014-06-23 06:56

It is said that the strongest and deepest bond between a person and his hometown is the food from their childhood. This theory has once again proved to be true as Chinese restaurants in Brazil.

'Made-in-China' sparkles at World Cup

2014-06-21 06:45

All the plush toys of the 2014 FIFA World Cup mascot Fuleco are produced in China.
