High court to weigh ban on gun ownership

2007-11-21 12:06:16

The Supreme Court said Tuesday it will decide whether the District of Columbia can ban handguns.

Virginia Tech reignites battle over gun laws

2007-04-23 06:54:53

The guns were sold in Virginia, the lives taken violently just a few miles away. It is the guns bought there and used for crimes elsewhere that have long had mayors around the United States angry.

Rules should have barred weapon purchase

2007-04-20 11:29:28

A judge's ruling on Cho Seung-Hui's mental health should have barred him from purchasing the handguns he used in the Virginia Tech massacre, according to federal regulations.

'Gun culture' again target of criticism after killings

2007-04-18 07:20:08

Foreign politicians and media once again attacked America's "gun culture" Tuesday.

US gun laws draw heat after massacre

2007-04-18 09:03:12

The Virginia Tech shootings sparked criticism of US gun control laws around the world Tuesday.

McCain stands firm on right to bear arms

2007-04-18 06:45:22

LAREDO, Texas: US Senator John McCain says the shooting rampage at Virginia Tech does not change his view that the Constitution guarantees everyone the right to carry a weapon.

Reid warns against rush on gun control

2007-04-18 07:48:55

After the worst mass shooting in US history, Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid cautioned Tuesday against a "rush to judgment" on stricter gun control.

Australia's Howard decries US "gun culture"

2007-04-17 15:41:49

Australian Prime Minister John Howard on Tuesday decried the negative "gun culture" in America after the deadly shooting spree at a US university.

US shooting puts gun control back on the agenda

2007-04-18 08:58:56

Gun control surged back onto the US agenda after the deadliest school shooting in US history, but with few politicians willing to take up the sensitive issue, chances of major change look remote.
