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2. 寒潮
cold snap, cold front
Many parts of China are forecast to experience their lowest temperatures in decades over the weekend, with heavy snowstorms expected to persist in eastern and central areas. Internet users have called the cold front a "bossy cold wave" for its strength and reach.
人們通常用cold snap、cold wave、cold front、cold spell來表達寒潮。所謂寒潮,是指來自高緯度(high latitude)地區(qū)的冷空氣(cold air),在特定的天氣形勢下迅速加強并向中低緯度地區(qū)侵入,造成沿途地區(qū)劇烈降溫(steep drop in temperatures)、大風和雨雪天氣,多發(fā)生在秋末、冬季、初春時節(jié)。
中央氣象臺(the National Meteorological Center)22日6時繼續(xù)發(fā)布寒潮黃色預警(issue a yellow alert for a strong cold front)。寒潮來襲,各地市政部門也紛紛采取防范措施(take precautions)。安徽、浙江、江西部分地區(qū)中小學校已經提前放寒假(start winter holiday ahead of schedule);江西省內多處景區(qū)(scenic areas)暫時關閉(be temporarily closed)。浙江省民政廳則緊急部署,救助流浪乞討人員(homeless vagrants),已開放避災臨時安置場所(temporary shelters)8900多家。
地方農業(yè)部門(agricultural authorities)則提醒農民增施有機肥(add organic fertilizers),以防止莊稼和蔬菜受凍害(keep crops and vegetables from being damaged by frost),并加強溫室管理(reinforce plastic greenhouses)。部分省份的電力公司(electricity companies)已出臺應急計劃(have made emergency plans),對關鍵設備除冰(remove ice from key facilities)。
極端天氣也令不少地區(qū)出現了市民排長隊搶貨的場景。杭州、合肥等地都出現了市民大量囤貨"備戰(zhàn)"極端天氣(stock up on supplies ahead of extreme weather conditions)的情況,超市貨架上的蔬菜被搶購一空(supermarket shelves are emptied of vegetables),超市工作人員不斷補貨。專家稱,此次寒潮的持續(xù)時間較短(the cold period will be shorter),造成類似于2008年南方冰雪災害的可能性不大。
暴風雪 blizzard
冰雹 hail
雨夾雪 sleet
冷氣團 cold air mass
集中供暖 central heating
作物損失 crop loss
停電 power failure, blackout
停課 suspend school, halt lessons
四色分級天氣預警制度 four-tier color-coded weather warning system
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